Mar 26, 2005 19:39
Ahh yeah Coli-oli-oli!
So me Eric and Josh got drunk across the street,
saw dana and scene boy stuck outside,
Got in with my BCC ID,
Met up with travis and Kelly and hung around for a while,
Met up with davey and christan,
Met up with Shayne Krista and kristen,
Met up with Alex,
Met up with Craig and Christine,
Met up with Brad and Tyler..
Saw: Fernando, Jacked, TJ.
Missed: Nicole, Justin, Christian, Jony, Jaime, England.
I definitely wasnt drunk enough, even though I drank 5 beers.. how depressing..
Quotes of the night:
Random Spanish guy: "Dance now with me, please?"
Me: "..Sure"
[one song later]
Me: " Okay, i'm going to go find my friends now.. goodbye!"
Random Spanish guy: "::clings to shirt:: yes, dance more, yes?"
Scene kid: "Hey!"
Me: " Hey.."
Scene Kid: "what are you doing dancing with him? [stumbles and faces wrong direction] you should be dancing with me!!"
Me: "Ahhh, I thought you knew he was old!"
Kristen: "OH MY GOD EW GROSSO HOW COME YOU DIDNT TELL ME TH.. wait. Maybe we can get him to buy us drinks!"
Travis: " I don't dance with guys."
Old Guy: "hey, you look like you're in a bad mood!"
TJ: "hey, you look like you're going to croak in a year!"