Fic: The Quest 2/? (DBSK)

Sep 04, 2011 19:06

Title: The Quest (huhu.. stupid title..)

Chapter: 2/?

Pairing: Changmin/Yunho. others included: SuChun, KyuWook, SIChul, HaeHyuk..etc :D

Warning: Unbeta (grammar nightmare!), CRACK, please expect butchered-fairytales in here :)

Disclaimer: if this seems familiar: Don't PANIC! I wrote the exact same thing in other fandom before (spn) but never finish it. PLUS, storyline and plot weren't mine. My friend gave it to me long long LONG time ago (for spn) so all credit for first chapter goes to her *bows low*. After that, it's all mine XD.
The Robin Hood song is from 'The Adventures of Robin Hood' UK tv series.

Story Summary: Life as the youngest prince never been easy: What with the pressure of looking dashing and handsome 24/7, figuring out new ways to torture his noona and hyung, charm the skirt off from ladies of the court, act the innocent boy his parents the King and Queen always thought him to be, cajoling the cook into giving him snacks before meal time// and many more. So with all these responsibilities, it's no wonder Prince Changmin was annoyed that he has to go on a quest to save some damsel/princess-in-distress in order to firmly acknowledge his princely status. And what's this?? The so-called princess is a man??!! Accompanied by the weird and ditzy sorcerer trainee-apprentice, Yoochun.. these three would be on their craziest adventure yet in order to find their own 'happily ever after' ending. (Okay, lame summary!! TT.TT)

“I told you, didn’t I?! I told you to be careful.. I told you not to be so trusting.. and what did you do?! You straightaway invited two psychopaths into the car! Are you crazy?! Look what happened now!”

“Yah! Stop shouting at me! How would I know that those two little darlings are mean..”

Changmin gaped at the pouting man in front of him,
“Little darlings?!! Excuse me Yunho-sshi, are we talking about the same thing here? I don’t know about you but I was kinda referring to those two demons that not only had robbed us but also left us stranded here in the middle of nowhere without any food, drinks and certainly with no car!”

Yunho glared at the furious, red-faced prince infront of him,
“And I told you that I didn’t know that they are bandits.. I mean they are just children and I felt sorry for them coz I thought they were lost and.. and.. did you see all those bruises all over their bodies?”

“Those so-called children are the infamous deranged duo Jack n Jill! Don’t tell me you’ve never heard of them! They’ve only been the top 5 ‘Most Wanted’ list of F.I.I.A (A/N: Faery Investigations Intelligence Agency). Heck, there was special news of their escape just last week!”

“We don’t have cable in the castle..”
Yunho mumbled and looked down while shuffling his feet.
“ ‘sides they seemed so nice and cute..”

Changmin rubbed his face in exasperation and took a couple of deep breaths to calm himself,
He saw Yunho looked up and glared when Changmin purposely called him ‘Miss Yunho’ but the prince ignored the irate look,
“Those two are way older than you and I combined. They may look like children but their age are really old.. If you bother to really look into their evil and red.. if I may add, eyes.. then you would’ve guessed something is wrong with those two. Unfortunately you and that ditzy sorcerer of yours,”
At this, Changmin threw a dirty look over his shoulder at the short young man skipping behind them cheerfully,
“.. were too busy cooing over them to notice anything else And honestly, do you expect anyone that’s been falling and tumbling down the damn hill and broke their stubborn heads on God knows how many time would be sane?!.”

“Y..yeah well, you didn’t say anything either! We haven’t been out from the castle before and you have. So you’re partly at fault here too coz you should’ve taken better care of us!”
Yunho tried to defend himself and Yoochun.

Changmin opened and close his mouth few times without saying anything, his face became redder and he’s trembling with contained rage - secretly Yunho wonders if the handsome young prince is about to have a heart attack or something.
“YAH! I was doing some personal business.”

“yep.. in the poison ivy bushes some more..hehehe..”
Yoochun giggling was quickly smothered by Changmin’s death glare. The sorcerer ‘meep’ed and hid behind Yunho. Large Bambi eyes looked up at Changmin pitifully - causing the young prince to feel some slight guilt.

‘Maybe I was being too harsh on them.. Plus Yunho was right. They haven’t been out from the castle and obviously are quite naïve about the outside world.. But still.. Siwon hyung’s gonna kill me when he knows I let his car got stolen..’.
Changmin thought ruefully.

“Aish!.. Don’t look so scared.. Fine, no use in crying over spilt milk anyway.. let us just find our way back to civilized world..”
He looked around them and saw a thick dense forest some few metres in front of them.
“Hmm.. should we take the highway or walk through the forest?? It is a hot day so forest it is!”
He mused and nodded to himself and without really thinking about it, he reached out behind him and grabbed Yunho’s hand - holding it tightly, and walked ahead.

Flushing red, Yunho looked down at their entwined hand and follows the prince’s lead with Yoochun trailing closely behind.
“Changmin-sshi.. We’re really sorry that we let your car got stolen.. I promise I’ll pay you back when we get home..”

Hearing the small voice, Changmin glanced over his shoulder to see Yunho hung his head in shame. He then squeezed the soft hand in his to get the other look at him. When he met the soft brown eyes, he smiled reassuringly at the other man..
“Don’t worry about it princess.. That wasn’t my car anyway and Siwon hyung is cool enough brother that I know he won’t hurt me when he knows that we didn’t mean to lost he car..”
‘at least I hope he would let me explain first TT.TT’

Yunho could feel his heart pounding and breath hitched at the cute smile on Changmin’s face and tentatively he smiled back at the prince. Their staring at each other was broken by Yoochun’s sudden yell.

Both of them looked around but couldn’t see the sorcerer.
“Yoochun-ah!! Where are you??”
Yunho called out in panic.

“Up here!”

Changmin and Yunho looked up to see Yoochun in some kind of net and hanging and swinging about on a tall tree.

“How did you get up there?”
Changmin asked curiously.

“I don’t know.. I was just walking around minding my own business while you two stare into each other’s eyes and ignoring me..”
At this both Changmin and Yunho flushed red and refused to look at each other.
“.. then suddenly next thing I knew I’m way up here.. huhu.. get me down, Yunho-hyung..”
Yoochun whined, teary-eyed.

“Aish, this kid~.. Jamkanmanyo Chun-ah.. We’ll find something to cut you lose..Changmin-sshi, do you have a knife or a sword?”

Changmin raised an eyebrow at the question,
“Where do you think I have the place to hide them?”
He gestured down himself.

Trailing his eyes down the taller body with the skin tight jeans, bluish white polo shirt and striped vest, Yunho blushed and mumbled,
“Yeah, I guess you wouldn’t..”
He sighed and looked up again at the sorcerer above who beginning to resembles a fat caterpillar squirming around in the net trying to get free.
“So how do we get him down then?”

“I thin..”
Before Changmin could finish his sentence suddenly all the bushes and trees around them came alive!.. or at least it seemed that way at first.

But when Changmin looked more closely, he saw that it was actually a bunch of men wearing green tights and tunics with bits and pieces of leaves sewn onto their pointy hats. All of them then started to jumped and danced and twirling around the startled duo.

“Robin Hood, Robin Hood, riding through the glen
Robin Hood, Robin Hood, with his band of men
Feared by the bad, loved by the good
Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood”
{C}{C}{C}{C}{C}12 men stood in two rows and started jumped over one another in incredible acrobatics moves while the rest started singing their hearts out.
{C}{C}“He called the greatest archers to a tavern on the green
{C}They vowed to help the people of the king
They handled all the troubles on the English country scene
And still found plenty of time to sing~”
{C}{C}{C}{C}{C}Two of the men grabbed Yunho by the arms and twirls him around and round - his excited squeals rang through the forest as sweet and clear as ringing bells. They attempted to do the same with Changmin but a well-placed glare from the prince had the men to rethink their plan. Shrugging, they decided that it’ll be better for their overall health to just leave the prince alone. They continue to twirl Yunho around from one man to another. And though Changmin found the image of Yunho in those strangers hands seriously unpleasant (hey, Yunho is HIS responsibility..), he can’t help but smiled and the sound of the other’s happy laughter.
{C}{C}“He came to Sherwood Forest with a feather in his cap
{C}A fighter never looking for a fight
His bow was always ready, and he kept his arrows sharp.
He used them to fight for what was right.”
{C}{C}{C}{C}{C}One tall fella with little bit of beard and a tiny feather in his green squarish hat (the pointiest of them all =.=;;;) stepped forward and all the men crowded in front of him and bow. They handed him a bow and an arrow, from his arrogant smirk, Changmin figured this must be their leader, the notorious Robin Hood. One young boy tossed an apple through the air and the tall man quickly drew his bow and shot the arrow right through the apple and cut it into half. Everyone cheered loudly and danced around some more…
{C}{C}{C}{C}… Honestly, Changmin started to think he was actually in some kind of bizarre dream right now.
{C}“With Friar Tuck and Little John they had a roguish look,
They did the deed the others wouldn't dare.
He captured all the money that the evil sheriff took,
And rescued many a lady fair~”

More jumping around and acrobatic moves and loud singing… and Changmin could feel a migraine creeping in. Rubbing his temple in exasperation, he looked up just in time to see the leader grabbed Yunho by the waist and dipped him backwards with barely couple of inches space in between their faces. Okay, that’s it!

“Alright, that’s enough now..!”
Changmin snapped and went to the middle of the jolly group and grabbed the still giggling Yunho back to his side.

“Oi Mate~.. we jus havta a bit o’ fun and laugh now.. No need getting yer knickers in ha twist now ey?.. We dun mean to bother yer sweet honey der.. Me name is Robin and dese are my Merry Men.”
The leader stepped forward with an easy grin and outstretched hand.

Before Changmin could stop him, Yunho shrugged off his hand and stepped forward,
“Hi Robin-sshi.. I’m Yunho and the sour-puss here is Changmin..It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.”
He smiled sweetly and reached out to shake the man’s hand.

Robin smiled flirtatiously and kissed the back of Yunho’s hand softly.
“The pleasure’s all mine, me sweetheart..”

Changmin quickly took the kissed hand rubbed it in between his own larger hands. He didn’t even realize that he is pouting while he was doing it.
“Yah! I told you to stop that, didn’t I? and don’t call him sweetheart! You’re making Yunho here uncomfortable.”

“I wasn’…”

“Yes. You are.”
*glare glare*


“Ah.. Then my deepest apology to you, Sweet Yunho.. I didn’t meant to offend you.. nor your man..”

“What? what makes you think I’m his!”
Changmin denied vehemently, shaking his head wildly.

“’re mistaken, Robin-sshi. Changmin here is just my… guide for the journey, that’s all”

Despite himself, Changmin scowled when he heard that.

“Ah~ again.. I apologize for me mistake..”
Robin smiled and winked knowingly at the now flustered Changmin.
“As a token of me sincerity, why don’t you let us help you fellas getting to wer you want to go?”

“Um.. thank you. But before that, could you help getting our friend down from the trap?”
Yunho pointed up to where Yoochun is watching them wide-eyed.

“Me lad! What a pretty thing we caught there!.. Why don’t you just leave him here with us, hmm?”


With one hand muffling Changmin’s mouth, Yunho smiled sweetly at Robin again,
“Unfortunately no, Robin-sshi.. Yoochun here is my dearest friend and it’ll break my heart not to have him beside me..”

“A pity.. But no sadness should mar your sweet face, Yunho-sshi.. Junsu! If you please~..”
Robin Hood gestured behind him and one of the many Merry Men - looking younger than the rest with cute face and easygoing open smile, climb nimbly onto the tree and cut off the trap carefully and before Yoochun could fall face flat onto the ground, he grabbed the young sorcerer by the waist and swing him up into his arms.

“Hi there..”
The young archer said softly to the pretty man in his arms. The wide brown puppy’s eyes entrance him the moment he looked into them.

Yoochun blinked owlishly at his savior (and damn if he wasn’t the cutest thing Junsu had ever seen before).

“I’m bringing you down so you just hold on tight okay?”
At Yoochun’s nod, Junsu climbed down the huge tree with one arm warpped tightly around the young sorcerer. When they got to the ground, Yoochun expect the handsome man to let him go but Junsu seems comfortable just to keep on holding him so he just get himself comfortable leaning against the other man’s chest. Ever since he was little, Yoochun had always been an affectionate and cuddly person so he didn’t mind the PDA so much.

Robin raised an eyebrow at his adopted dongseang’s atypical act. Junsu usually hates any skinship with anyone but here he is.. getting close and comfy (and look a bit protective too) of the Sweet Yunho’s young friend.
‘Hmmm.. Interesting~..’
Robin thought gleefully.

“Yoochun-ah! Gwenchana?”
Yunho squealed happily and bounded over to hug his friend.

“Uhn! Gwenchana hyung~! I miss you.. huhu..”
Yoochun shrugged off Junsu’s arm from around his shoulders and hugged his beloved Yunho-hyung back.

Changmin just rolled his eyes at the two idiots dramatic (??) reunion.
“Ok guys.. we have to get going now.. Say bye to these nice men..”

“Wait lad.. I’m going to lend you my Junsu. He may looks young but he is the best archer and swordsman you’ll ever meet in this side of Faery Kingdom (after me, of course), I’ll guarantee you that. He might be of some use to your quest..”

“Um.. Thank you but I don’t think we really need hi..”
Changmin started.

“The forest is dangerous place to be especially at night, lad.. Hungry wolves are vicious and merciless around new bloods. Are you sure you could care for your group on your own?”

“..Like I said, he’s more than welcome to join us~”
Changmin quickyly changed his tune and smiled innocently at the older man.

“But Robin-hyung.. I’m needed here. The Sheriff keeps pushing and becoming meaner each day..”
Junsu protested.

“Don’t worry Junsu-ya~.. We’ll be okay here. It’s time for you to go out into the world and gain new experience, meet some new people and maybe meet that special someone..”
Robin said while looking at the oblivious Yoochun pointedly.

“Hy..hyung! I’m perfectly satisfied the way it is now.. I don’t need anyone else but our family here”
Junsu tried reasoning with his hyung again.

“Aish, my boy.. I know you’re alright now.. But to be a great leader, you should have more experience with people Junsu-ya.. You should open up to new things and feelings.. Now, we’re all gonna miss you, laddie. But I’ll really be looking forward to you come back as a new man later on..”
Robin patted the younger man’s back and hugged him tightly.
“Now off you go.. Changmin-sshi, Sweet Yunho, and Yoochun-ah is it?? Thank you for accepting my Junsu and I hope he can help you in some ways..”

“He better. We’re not babysit..Umph!”
Changmin coughed when he got elbowed by Yunho.

“Don’t mind him Robin-sshi.. We’re happy that Junsu-sshi will be be joining us.. I think he and Yoochun here is roughly the same age so they could be friends”
Yunho said graciously.

“of course! Yoochun-ah will be Su-ie’s friend..”
Yoochun said, glomping on to one of Junsu’s arm and hugged it tightly - all the while grinning childishly.

While Junsu seemed to be frozen on the spot at the sudden close proximity of the overly affectionate sorcerer, Robin nodded in satisfaction - knowing that Junsu would be fine among these strangers.

And with that.. another person joined in the trio in their journey. While wary at first, little did they know that before long they will come to value each other as more than just friends and each person would be more precious than their own family members.


Excerpt from next chapter:

“Did you hear that?”
*hushed whisper*

“What? We didn’t hear anything?!”

“HUSHED!.. Listen.. There’s something out there.. I could hear it.. no, them. Changmin-sshi.. We gotta move faster and get out of he..”

“Junsu-ah, watch out!”

“Shit! Run.. run!!”

"Ooohh.. you said a bad word, Su-ie~"

… And all hell broke loose..

- 최근, 생활이 바빠요 TT.TT~.. RL sucks!
- Please excuse this boring chapter.. I've been having dry spells lately >.<
- My latest obsession: KyuWook, HaeHyuk, JongKey/MinKey.. oh and another candidate for my future hubby: Lee SEUNGGI!!!! XXXDD.
- Latest idol: Yesung.. God, that guy can sing! XD
- C/C is greatly appreciated.. Kamsahamnida~

the quest, dbsk

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