Fic: The Quest 1/? (DBSK)

Aug 14, 2011 14:47

Title: The Quest (huhu.. stupid title..)

Chapter: 1/?

Pairing: Changmin/Yunho. others included: SuChun, KyuWook, SIChul, HaeHyuk..etc :D

Warning: Unbeta (grammar nightmare!), CRACK, please expect butchered-fairytales in here :)

Disclaimer: if this seems familiar: Don't PANIC! I wrote the exact same thing in other fandom before (spn) but never finish it. PLUS, storyline and plot weren't mine. My friend gave it to me long long LONG time ago (for spn) so all credit for this first chapter goes to her *bows low*.

Story Summary: Life as the youngest prince never been easy: What with the pressure of looking dashing and handsome 24/7, figuring out new ways to torture his noona and hyung, charm the skirt off from ladies of the court, act the innocent boy his parents the King and Queen always thought him to be, cajoling the cook into giving him snacks before meal time// and many more. So with all these responsibilities, it's no wonder Prince Changmin was annoyed that he has to go on a quest to save some damsel/princess-in-distress in order to firmly acknowledge his princely status. And what's this?? The so-called princess is a man??!! Accompanied by the weird and ditzy sorcerer trainee-apprentice, Yoochun.. these three would be on their craziest adventure yet in order to find their own 'happily ever after' ending. (Okay, lame summary!! TT.TT)

“The sun is shining, the birds are singing, oh what a wonderful day it is to be alive.”

“Was that sarcasm I detect, Changmin-sshi?”

“No. And that’s Prince Changmin to you Eunmi.”

“A fact that I try to forget.. And that’s noona to you, dear dongseang.”

Prince Shim Changmin scowled up at the sky, “Not that I like being a prince anyways.”

Sitting next to him, his sister smirked at him, “And why is that?”

“Because it’s a pain in the butt!”

Eunmi sighed and rearranged her billowy skirt as she sat primly on top of the swing, patiently waited for the outburst that was sure to come.
And it did.

“Why do I have to be a prince?! It’s so stupid! All boring manners and stuff! And don’t even get me started on this stupid quest thing.”

Eunmi was sure that despite the fact that she most definitely wasn’t going to get Changmin started on the stupid quest thing, he would start anyway.

And~ he did.

“It’s so pointless!”

“It’s tradition.”

“Siwon-hyung didn’t have to do it!”

“He did, you just didn’t pay any attention to it. If memory serves me correct, I believe you were in the kitchen when he left… terrorizing the cook as usual.”

“Why would someone make me do such a stupid thing?”

“It’s to prove that you’re worthy to be a prince.”

Changmin turned his attention from the sky and fixed his sister with a very dark glare, “How on earth does rushing off and saving a damsel in distress prove that I’m a prince? As a prince my main responsibility is to sit on my ass and watch my father sit on his ass- in a way more comfy chair than mine- and make decrees. And then, when he buggers off to go into retirement, I get to sit on my ass and watch my older brother make decrees in a way more comfy chair. And on the off chance that Siwon-hyung doesn’t want to on his ass all day in the way more comfy chair and make decrees, I have to sit on my ass in the way more comfy chair and make the bloody decrees!”

Eunmi blinked, “Err……..could you repeat that, maybe a little more slowly?”

But Changmin was on a role, and when the youngest prince was on a role, he didn’t stop for anyone, “Where in that, is there a need to be capable of saving damsels in distress?”

“Well………” said Eunmi slowly, “I’m pretty sure that if the said damsel in distress joined you on the way more comfy chair, things would certainly be more enjoyable.”

Changmin blinked, “I guess~..”

“Though I suppose a lot less decrees would be made..”

Changmin visibly brightened, “Yeah~..”

Eunmi’s eyes went sparkly, “And it’s so romantic!”
She ignored the disgusted look her brother gave her and continued, “As a princess I know I would just love to be rescued by a bold handsome prince!” She gave Changmin a look, “Though I don’t know how the girl you’ll be saving will feel about it. Rude, obnoxious, snarky, evil.. did I mentioned rude?”

Changmin glared at her, “Why you-”

He was cut off by someone calling his name, “CHANGMIN! There you are!”

The prince winced as his brother came into view on the other side of the garden, “Uh oh..”

Eunmi poked him with her dainty foot, “What?”

Changmin looked at the ground,
“I was kinda meant to meet him this morning to get ready to leave..”

“And you hid from him instead,” said Eunmi shrewdly, deadpanning.

Changmin smiled innocently,
“Well I guess you could say-”


“Ah!” Changmin looked up to see Siwon looming over him,
“Hyung! Fancy seeing you here!” he put a hand behind his head and laughed nervously.

Siwon gave him a pained look, “Min..”

Changmin stood smiled up at him, eyes shining,
“Yes, my kind, compassionate, handsome, loving and forgiving hyung?”

Siwon rolled his eyes, and dropped some keys and a piece of paper on his dongseang’s lap.
“You can take my car, and here’s the address of the princess.”

Eunmi blinked, looking confused,

“You just have to take the Far and Wide freeway, take the right turn just after you see the ‘Only the Brave enters Here’ sign and you’ll be there in no time.”

Changmin made a face and stood up pouting, “But Hyung~!”

“Don’t ‘but hyung’ me! The sooner you go the sooner you can come back. Just bloody get it done and over with!”

Eunmi looked between the two,
“He’s taking a car? And you’ve told him exactly where to find a princess to save? I thought you’d make him take a horse! Or at least walk! And ‘Far and Wide’ is the express freeway! You guys are totally sucking the romance out of everything!”

Her brothers stared at her weirdly.

“Huh?” asked Changmin.

“Romance?” asked Siwon.

They both looked terribly confused.

Eunmi growled in annoyance,
“Boys! You’re all the same!” She stood up and pushed past them,
“I’m going to my room. I hope you enjoy your little adventure stupid dongseang, because it’s a waste of time! What’s the point on going on a quest if it’s already all planned out like this! Back in the good old days a princess would expect, and get, a real knight in shining armor! Not some jerk in a fancy dress shirt! Wait till Umma hears about this………..”
Her voice trailed off into the distance as she disappeared out of the garden.

“What’s her problem?” asked Siwon still looking confused.

Changmin shrugged,
“Girls, princesses……….. all the same. I bet she’s gone off to write some of her poetry or play with something pink.”

The two brothers cringed at the thought.

“At least I won’t be here to listen to it..”

Siwon glared at the youngest prince, “Gee, thanks.”

“No problemo~”
Changmin replied cheerfully.


Changmin adjusted his sunglasses, and turned up the radio as he drove the black Ferrari down the Far and Wide. ‘Traveling by horse, or walking. What was Eunmi-noona thinking?’
He sniggered at the thought.

The road signs and the countryside flashed by as he sped along, taking absolutely no notice of the speed limit.
He’d been driving for a couple of hours and was pretty sure that the exit he wanted would come up fairly soon. Sure enough, a few minutes later a sign labeled with the name of the exit he wanted appeared, and he left the freeway.
He glanced at the paper his brother had given him, and then proceeded to follow it’s directions to the address he was looking for.

Eventually, he pulled up outside a large castle situated on top of a hill.

‘Now all I have to do is save this chick and I can be on my way,’
he thought to himself as he left his car and went to the door.
‘In and out, no nonsense. That’s the way to do this. Yes, sirree~’

Pulling out the paper in his hand, Changmin stared at it for a moment and then knocked on the door.
After a while it opened, revealing a tall tan-skin man with shoulder-length caramel brown hair, cherubic ruddy cheeks, almond-shaped brown eyes and pinkest bow-shaped lips…
’and that is the cutest mole at the side at his lips too.. Mm~ just like chocolate sprinkles..’
Changmin thought sub-consciously.

The man stared over him and a look of distaste flitted across his face as he leaned casually against the doorframe,
“Let me guess,” said the guy before Changmin could speak, “You’re a prince/warrior who’s come to save the princess.”

Changmin blinked, then smiled,
“Yeah, is this the right address?”
He glanced down at his piece of paper,
“The abhorrently large castle, on top of the hill, beside the lake, behind the forest?”

“Well...” said the stranger slowly, “This is an abhorrently large castle. On top of a hill. Beside a lake. Behind a forest.”

“Oh good! I’m Changmin by the way,” he paused and looked the guy up and down, “I don’t have to save the princess from you, do I?”

The guy gave him a weary look, “No.”

“And you are~?”


“Are you her brother?”


“Her guardian?”


“Her uncle?”


“Her boyfriend?”


Changmin looked puzzled, as he was running out of things this guy could be.

“Her father?”

Yunho scowled, “I’m only a little older than you!”

“Then who are you!”

Yunho wore an expression that said he really didn’t want to tell Changmin who he actually is.

“Fine!” snapped Changmin, well past being fed up,
“Can you go and get her?” he paused and then added as an afterthought, “Please?”

“There’s no need.”

“What? Look, just stop playing around so I can get out of here already. Go and get her.”

Yunho sighed, “There’s no need to get her, because SHE is already here.”

Changmin looked around, “Huh? Where?”

“I’m the princess.”

Changmin blinked, and stared open mouthed,
“What! You’re the princess?”

The glaring Yunho nodded curtly, “Apparently my parents had a sense of humor. As did my fairy godmother.”

‘And so does Siwon-hyung apparently’ thought Changmin as he tried valiantly not to snigger, and failed miserably.
“B-but you’re a boy!”
he paused and gave Yunho an appraising look, “Aren’t you?”
He noted that Yunho, though rather muscular, was particularly curvy for a boy.. especially on his chest area.. It’s really quite.. uh.. Protruding for someone who claimed to be of male gender.. O.O

Yunho’s glare darkened, “Yes, I’m sure that I’m a guy” he said primly, his tone indicating to Changmin that not only was he a boy, but he was a boy with fists and wasn’t afraid to use them.

“Are yo-”

Yunho cut him off, already knowing what Changmin was going to ask, “No, I’m not cursed.”

Changmin snorted, “You’re a male princess. I’d call that a curse.”

Then Yunho sighed and from his expression, it was clear that he’d heard all of this before,
“Well, if that’s all you want, I guess you’ll be going now-” he went to shut the door in Changmin’s face.

“No!” Changmin cut him off, sticking his foot in the door blocking it, “I need to save you!”

“Save me from what? The only problem I have, apart from an annoying young man on my doorstep, is my title. And nothing can save me from that.”

Changmin glared at him,
“I don’t care, I’ve traveled far and wide to get here, and I’m not going back without saving a damsel- who is preferably a princess- in distress!”

Yunho stared at him pointedly,
“Far and Wide? The freeway? It doesn’t go very far. It couldn’t have taken you more than a few hours to get here.”
He stared past Changmin to look at the car parked in the background,
“And it appears as though the only traveling you’ve done yourself is walk up to the door.”

Changmin blinked, “Yeah well.. Still~Can you help me? Please?”
He put on his puppy dog eyes.

Yunho sighed and turned into the house, “Fine. But only because the world shouldn’t be subjected to such an ugly facial expression.”

Changmin grinned triumphantly and followed the guy inside.
His grin faded as Yunho added,
“And take off your sunglasses, they make you look egotistical.”

Changmin quickly took them off (though he wasn’t sure why, normally if someone said something like that he would leave them on out of spite) and glanced around,
“Nice place you got here, Princess.”

“Just Yunho is fine,” growled Yunho as he led him through the atrium.

Changmin smiled at him, finding the other’s sensitivity on the subject of his title cute, but then stopped himself when he reminded himself that he wanted to get this over with as soon as possible,
“Okay, Yun it is then.” earning him a glare from the other boy.

They walked down a hallway and into what appeared to be a sitting room.

“Right,” said Yunho, sounding businesslike, “I’d offer you a seat, but I’m sure you’d rather get this all over so you can go home.”

Changmin nodded, “Yeah.”

“I suppose this is your first time,” said Yunho, sounding bored.

Changmin hesitated, as if he could be thought less of through this admission,

Yunho nodded,
“Well basically, I need to be in danger, and then you can come in brandishing your sword- you have a sword don’t you?”

“Err, no...”

“Don’t worry, you can borrow one- where was I? Oh yeah….. brandishing your sword, striking a heroic pose, you say something corny, save me, then in my state of complete and utter delirious awe of your amazing heroism, I kiss you to show my gratitude, and then we live happily ever after.”

Changmin couldn’t help it. He blushed,
“You k-kis-”

Yunho cut him off, “On the cheek,” he said acidly, giving the other guy a warning glare.

Changmin coughed, “Err………..of course.”

Yunho growled,
“Watch it. The last person who got certain ideas and let their hands wander, I had turned into a frog.”

Changmin smiled meekly, “No funny stuff. Got it. You’re frigid. End of story.”

Yunho glared at him darkly, “Excuse me?”

Changmin smiled innocently, “Nothing! So what can I save you from?”

Yunho paused and thought for a while.
“I’ve got it.” he said finally, walking over to a wall, and picked up a sword that was being displayed there. He gestured, and Changmin went over to him and took it. “Be careful with it,” Yunho warned, “It’s pretty valuable, and a family heirloom, I think.” He handed Changmin a sheath to go with it.

Changmin nodded clipping the sheath to his belt and held the sword firmly.

Yunho looked at him slightly surprised, “You hold it correctly.”

Changmin smirked at him, “My dad’s an expert with all sorts of weapons especially sword. I’ve trained since I was a child.”

Yunho gave him a small, (and what Changmin realized had to be) rare, smile,
“I thought a lot of the older traditions of this world had died out,” he said as he moved to another door and waited for Changmin to follow him.

Changmin shrugged,
“Well I’m here because of tradition, aren’t I? I guess I could say my family have gotten a little lazy as we’ve entered new times (at this he though of how Eunmi-noona had been horrified by his driving a car to get here) but we try to keep the traditions alive.”

Yunho nodded solemnly,
“A lot of people have given them up completely. I’m sure you know what happened to the Prince Charming family and their kingdom.”

Changmin nodded, “Yeah, they went bankrupt and lost everything. Even their title. Because of gambling problems I heard. I can tell you for sure, he’s not so charming now.”

“And then there’s the Cinderella’s, and that shoplifting incident. Instead of losing their shoes, they steal them.”

“You think that’s bad. You don’t even want to know what happened to Sleeping Beauty. Lets just say her name had been unofficially been changed to Sleep-Around..”

They stopped outside a door, and Yunho put his hand on the handle,

“Okay. I’ll go in there, shut the door, and call for help. That’s when you barge in there and do your thing. Oh, and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t break the door down, I know it’s more dramatic, but I’d really rather not to have to fix it again.”

“Just how many people have rescued you?” asked Changmin.

Yunho smiled and patted him on the cheek, “More than you need to know about,” and with that he disappeared into the room, shutting the door behind him.

Changmin scowled at the door, somehow disturbed by the fact that he wasn’t Yunho’s first hero.
There was a couple of minutes silence before finally there was a spectacularly unenthusiastic,
“Oh help. Save me someone,” from behind the door.

Changmin took a deep breath, and, with sword raised in a suitably heroic manner, barged through the door ~and blinked,

Yunho stopped pretending to be terrified and glared at him, “It was the best I could do on such short notice.”

Changmin deadpanned, “It’s a spider.”

“It’s not just a spider,” said Yunho haughtily, “It’s a spider who is threatening a princess and thus it must be vanquished.”

Changmin eyed the spider, sword held limply at his side, “Got any cans of bug spray lying around?”

YUnho sighed, “Just step on it, okay.”

Changmin bent down and inspected it, “Err..Yun? I think it’s already dead…flat out squashed to be precise.”

Yunho gasped dramatically, “Oh look! It died of fright when it saw you! You’re my hero!”

Changmin blinked, “Yun? I really think it was already de-”

“Oh look. It died of fright when it saw you. You’re my hero,” repeated Yunho in a meaningful tone of voice, gritting his teeth, glaring at the unco-operative prince in front of him.

“But-” Changmin then seemed to catch on,
“Oh.. Any time princess. It was my pleasure.”

Yunho smiled at him. It was false and extremely strained, “I’m so grateful,” he stepped forwards over the spider.

Changmin blushed and stepped backwards as he realized Yunho’s intentions, “Really, it’s not necessary-”

“Actually, I’m afraid it is,” said Yunho as he leaned forward, “It’s in ‘The Official Rulebook of Fairytales’.”

“I hated that book, terrible read.”
Changmin wasn’t too sure why he was getting so flustered, he’d been kissed on the cheek by princesses loads of times before, it was part of the job of a prince. ‘But Yun’s a boy,’ his mind supplied, ‘It’s different. And you like him...’
Changmin roughly squashed the thought and re-focused on his current situation.

Yunho’s lips gently grazed over his cheek, before he pulled back, looking decidedly flushed.

Changmin noticed and stared accusingly at him,
“I thought you said you’d been saved heaps of times! Why are you embarrassed?”

Yunho scowled and headed to the door, “I am not embarrassed!” he replied gruffly, though Changmin could plainly see that the princess had turned an interestingly pretty shade of pink.

“Now hurry up and I’ll get you a receipt.” Yunho snapped.

Changmin blinked and followed him, “Receipt?”

Yunho sighed as they quickly headed back to the sitting room, “It’s just proof that you rescued me. You know, so that you can say to people you did, and have documentation to back it up.”


“I just have to get the person who looks after the receipt book,” Yunho turned away from him, and called, “Trainee apprentice sorcerer, sans master, Park Yoochun!”

Changmin blinked, “Trainee apprentice?”

Yunho turned back to him and nodded, “You remember the guy with the busy hands I told you about?”

“The one who was turned into a frog?”

“He was meant to be a rabbit.”

“Oh. And he doesn’t have a master?”

Yunho coughed delicately, “Would you want to be the one known as the person who taught him everything he knows?”

Changmin mused,
“No, I guess not.”

A few minutes later a boy with messy wavy dark hair bounded into the room looking excited, “Do you need me to do something?” He looked at Changmin and grinned evilly, “I’ve been practicing on my rabbit spell!”

He pulled a frog out of his pocket.

It had several pairs of rabbit ears.

“I’m getting there!”

Yunho cleared his throat “, Chun. I just need the receipt book.”

Yoochun looked crestfallen, “Oh.”
But his exuberant demeanor returned quickly, “Okay then!”

He searched in his pockets, and Changmin rose an eyebrow at the variety of strange noises that emanated from them as he did so.

Yunho appeared to notice, “You wouldn’t believe the things he keeps on his person.”

Changmin looked at Yoochun nervously as he handed the little book to Yunho.

Yunho then wrote something in it, tore out a page, and handed it to Changmin,
“Here you are. And I have to say, that was probably one the best rescues I’ve ever had. You didn’t even say the line.”

Changmin blinked, “The line?”

Yoochun grinned and cleared his throat theatrically,
“Oh I shall protect your honor my darling maiden! I, the prince of ‘please insert preferable country’s name here’ will save you!”
He grabbed Yunho hand and kissed it in mock adoration.

Yunho’s left eye twitched.

Yoochun’ stood up smiling cheekily, “And that, is the line.”

Changmin wore the expression of someone who wanted to laugh madly and sneer at the same time. And he had the distinct feeling that he didn’t want to know what happened to those who said it for real to the currently glowering Yunho.
“Well, I’ll, err……..just be going now.”

Yoochun pouted, looking between Yunho and the prince,
“Oh! So soon?”

Changmin nodded,
“Yeah, you know how it is, I’ve got to get home.”

Yunho nodded and started heading to the front door, expecting the prince to follow him.
Changmin did, and Yoochun bounced beside him.

“So what’s your name?”


Yoochun beamed at him,
“Changmin, I like that name! And Yunho-hyung let you rescue him?”

“Well I have the receipt~”

Yoochun laughed brightly,
“Oh, yeah! Sorry!”

Changmin smiled at him, not being able to help but liking the cheerful apprentice.

Yoochun grinned at him,
“And he didn’t even want me to turn you into anything, or try to kill you. Not many people can say that!” he paused,
“Actually, I think you’re the only one who can say that! I think he likes you.”

Changmin looked at him disbelievingly,
“And what makes you think that?”

“Well~ as I said, he didn’t have me do something to you, and he didn’t hurt you. And he didn’t kick you out, he helped you! The last person who managed to rescue him had to tie him up to do it!”

“I see...”

“And I see he let you keep his sword!”

Changmin stared down at the sword he had sheathed awhile ago, but had forgotten to return it.
“He probably just forgot to ask for it back.”

Yoochun shook his head,
“Hyung doesn’t forget. He’s letting you keep it.”

Changmin blinked confused.

Yoochun smiled at him,
“It would be nice to see Yunho-hyung happy for once, he’s really a gentle soul underneath~..”
The two of them looked at Yunho stalking down the hallway up ahead.
“Err.. Rather far down, underneath I have to admit.”

Changmin made a face, “Uh-huh..”

Yoochun grinned,
“You know, I think you may even be The One, if only you stayed around for a little while……….”

Changmin blinked.
“The one?”

Yoochun bit his lips - eyes glittering in excitement,
“You know, The One!”

Changmin suddenly remembered something his noon had told him about excitedly,
“You don’t mean..”

Yoochun nodded enthusiastically,
“His one true love! The One True Pairing! The one that would break Yunho-hyung curse to be the damsel/princess in distress and sweep him off his feet!”

Changmin laughed,
“Oh man, you believe in that?!”

Yoochun pouted,
“You don’t?”

Changmin shook his head smiling,
“Sorry to disappoint you Yoochun-sshi, but no, I don’t believe in all that nonsense.”

They reached Yunho and the front door before Yoochun could reply anything else.

“It was very nice meeting you,” said Yunho politely.

“Err.. You too.”

The prince and the ‘princess’ looked at each other for a while, before Changmin finally turned and walked out the door.He paused,

Yunho gave him a small smile - a hint of regret in his eyes,

“Bye,” said Yoochun, still looking disappointed by what Changmin had said.

Changmin left, and Yunho disappeared into the depths of the castle.

Yoochun sighed dejectedly as the door swung shut and he leaned against it,
“And they lived happily ever after…”


Outside, Changmin got into his car and turned the engine on.. But somehow he can’t make himself leave the driveway. The image of Yunho smiling slightly towards him keeps dancing around in his head.
‘Gah! What the hell’s wrong with you, Shim Changmin?! You’ve finished your quest.. quite brilliantly too, if I may add~. You didn’t have to do anything much and even got the damn receipt as proof! So why are you still here?!’
He knocked his head on the steering wheel repeatedly. He remembers the part that Yoochun said about True Love and all that jazz and shook his head violently.
‘No. I do NOT think that I’ll be his One.. or whatever that crap is. But apparently Yunho kinda believes that OTP nonsense himself or why else would he just stick around in that big castle by himself and that ditzy sorcerer of his? Yes.. What I’m feeling now is guilt. Guilt because he had help me and it will only be good manner befitting of my princely status to help someone in distress.. No matter how un-‘princess’ like that person is. And this time, it’ll be like a real rescue quest.. Rather than just rescuing him/her from a dead spider. I do have my pride to keep afterall..’
Nodding firmly as he made up his mind, Changmin went out of the car, knocked on the huge wooden door again and waited impatiently.

Yunho opened the door with an annoyed look on his face which quickly turned surprise when he saw who is it standing on his front lawn. Before he could say anything however, Changmin grabbed his hand and dragged him outside towards the car..
“What the.. Changmin-sshi, unhand me this moment! What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” he screeched.

Without breaking his stride, Changmin shoved Yunho into the passenger’s seat and quickly strapped the seatbelt in.
“What does it looks like? I’m gonna rescue you, dear princess.. We’re going to find your One True Love instead of having you just sitting around waiting for that oaf to appear.I, Prince Changmin would never let a debt goes unpaid.. and you’ve helped me. So I will repay your kindness or die in the attempt… By the way, you shouldn’t swear so much you know.. You ARE a princess afterall, right?”
He grinned down at the gaping man inside the car - who is too shocked by Changmin’s ridiculous reasoning that he forgot to even put up much protest at the manhandling.

Nodding at what he thinks Yunho being obedient and agreeing with his decision, he close the car door and went around the car to the driver side. He saw Yoochun standing on the front lawn, fidgeting and looking lost - he’s unsure if he should turn Changmin into a rabbit or not for kidnapping his mistress.. er.. master.

“Hey you, Trainee apprentice! You wanna come with us? We’ll probably need help turning few people into frogs or something..”

Hearing Changmin’s shout, Yoochun’s face brightened and all thought of rescuing Yunho-hyung from this weird prince flew out of his mind. He loves adventure and quite honestly, it’s getting boring hanging around the castle with just the two of them.
“May I? Really??”

“Sure, hop in!”

Yoochun bounced over cheerfully and got into the back seat.

And so, that was how the whole crazy quest started… Not perfect, not like any other fairytales but the end mission is the same: To rescue the princess and find her (in this case: his) One True Love so they will live happily ever after.

‘I can’t wait to rub Eunmi-nnona’s face in this~..’ Changmin thought gleefully as they sped along the freeway..


- So~ what do you guys think?? My friend gave me the story long time ago for spn.. but now I've decided to change it to DBSK verse.. *Sorry bb!! *huggles**
- If you have ANY fairytales that you want to be included in this as cameo appearance, please tell me in the comment below and~ I hope you won't mind having the story butchered to pieces >.<
- please C/C.. and I would appreciate it if you won't be mean :). Kamsahamnida *bows low*

the quest, dbsk

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