Critical Capture, Round 4: Prompt Adoption

Oct 01, 2017 19:34

With the end of our fourth round, criticalcapture has a lot of leftover prompts from amazing people. In the hopes of spreading suchen love all over the world, we’re allowing anyone with an AO3 account to “claim a prompt” and write it without the pressures of a deadline!

Professor Oak, what are the RULES?
1. You will need an AO3 account to claim a prompt.
2. Please only claim one prompt. If a prompt has been claimed, please do not claim it.
3. No confirmation emails will be sent. You may begin writing your fics as soon as you’ve claimed a prompt.
4. There is no deadline of submission.
5. Once you’ve finished writing, please post your fic in our collection following these guidelines and email/contact us so we can tweet about your fic!
5. This prompt adoption post will be open until further notice.

♡ Prompt Archive ♡

Questions? Clarifications? Feel free to message the mods here on LJ, tweet or DM us at @critcap, or email us at :)

critcap: round4, * adopt

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