Title: How James Potter Wore Lily Evans Down (4/?)
Author: Cristofle (Liz)
Characters: James/Lily in the Marauder era; ensemble friendly for that time. Will include Sirius, Lupin, Wormtail, and Snape among others, including future Death Eaters as well as Order members.
Summary: "She never would have believed a year ago that James Potter could so
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Look at that, they're already married.
Anyway, I'm too tired to post a long review, but I have to say: I LOOOOOOOOVED this chapter. I feel so bad for Lily, and James needs to listen to Sirius. God, I love Sirius. That bitch Susan needs to die. No, she seems cool, but James and Lily break my heart. :( I guess I'm kinda mad at him for acting the way he's acting, but it's understandable, cause she really hurt him. The last part with the patronus was incredibly touching and sad. :( The stag and the doe- it was supposed to be like that, and she didn’t understand until it was too late. *slits wrists* lol
I love Frank, Alice, and Mary. And the random mention of Petunia. And Kingsley! What I like about this story is that, even though it's focused on J/L, it's not like they're in a bubble and we don't get to hear what's going on with everyone else. You even mention Voldypants becoming a bigger threat and stuff like, which IMO adds a lot to the story.
So yeah, update soon!
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