Times Online:
Georgia says Russian tanks mean 'war' in South Ossetia, комментарии:
Russia should retaliate with all its military power against this crazy georgian regime
Mark Day, London
Запад сам понимает, что ведет политику двойных стандартов:
Perhaps we should have though of the horrible precedent we were creating when we allowed and encouraged Kosovo to withdraw from Serbia and change the international borders of that country. Why don't the South Ossetians where Russians are an overwhelming majority have the same rights as the Kosovars
Michael, Washington, USA
So , why do USA always invade weaker countries?
In this case Georgia is the aggressor against a country who do want to be apart of Georgia. Like Kosovo did not want to be a part of Serbia
Gerry, Hereford, UK
Do we have double standards here when we've just invaded Iraq and Afghanistan which are nowhere near our country ?
It wasn't long ago that we had troops in Ireland too.
I think all the facts need to be looked at here before anyone jumps to any conclusions.
Neil, Wales, UK
(Справедливости ради замечу, что Россию также нельзя не упрекнуть в использовании двойных стандартах; истории с сепаратистскими движениями хорошо известны)
И один комментарий с претензиями:
Not our fault... We forget that the United States actually saved Russia from the Nazis. The US was shipping tanks and other military devices to protect Russia. It may have been in our common interest but none the less. We have saved the world once, and we will do it again if it is necessary.
William, Los Angeles, USA
One United Nations diplomat joked on Saturday that “if someone went to the Russians and said, ‘OK, Kosovo for Iran,’ we’d have a deal.”
Upd 2
Сегодня Times работают в лучших традициях центральных российских каналов (т.е. активно цитирует "простых людей"). Так непрофессионально прямолинейно выглядит - это не делает им чести.
Then he spat out bitterly: “The situation was very bad there, but we were ready to stay. Russia is the enemy of the world.”