Jan 24, 2011 20:13
So, this semester has started up, and now we're in week #3. I've been doing so much homework, and I've only got 14 credits this semester. I'm glad I'm not taking 18. I would probably die.
I moved into a cabin, on a mountain, in the woods. I never would have known that at one point in my life, I was literally going to live on the side of a mountain. We could have a better view, but it's still super peaceful and nice. I just can't wait until its warmer out and we can go outside more. It's been so cold, but that's what I get for living in the mountains.
I'm getting married. On July 3rd. It's a sunday, and there's very very few things that are done for it right now. I have a dress, and we have a church. That's about the extent of it right now. I have a huge list of everything I need to figure out, and I feel kind of like it's just me figuring it out. Kelly's interested, but it doesn't matter as much to him as it does me. And I guess I shouldn't let it affect me like it does, but I can't help it. :( I wish I could just be excited to get married (and believe me, I am) but I keep getting caught up in the details of it all too. Flowers, rings, food, music, tables, linens, transportation, cake, alcohol, photos, video... the list seems never-ending. I just wish we could have a place to set up a big tent and just have a fun outdoor party.
Anyway, so this semester my classes include calc, statistics, educational psychology, foundations of education, and curriculum and instruction (educational with digital media). It's been really interesting so far. For the most part. My calc class seems to just drag on some days, but I haven't really had any problems paying attention.
I went to church once here in Boone since the semester started.. I wasn't overly impressed, but I didn't have a horrible experience either. It was just 'eh.' I've been going with Kelly and his dad when I'm over there, which means Kelly actually goes, and it's good. Not my absolute favorite church I've ever been too, but I find it really interesting, and I can understand what's going on. I don't get distracted (as easily).
I've been thinking of so many things I want to type up here and just let float out in space.. right now, I don't remember any of them, but at least I know I can come here and it's still around.. and useable.. and it's something that I can go back 6 or so years (or more, I can't remember) and look and read where I was in my life.. I think it's pretty awesome.
So, my goals this semester:
1. Do well in school, work on homework and try to keep myself organized and doing well in class and keeping (mostly) on top of my academic work.
2. Get healthier/lose a little bit of weight. Wedding in July, I want to look good. I've decided 10-15 lbs should be sufficient for me. I have kind of a small frame, and 10 lbs is a size on me (which I'm at about an 8 right now) I don't want to be so small that I don't look like me, I just want to be me but improved :) I really need to eat healthier and start trying to work out more. Walking around campus has helped, but it's definitely not enough. It's also hard to eat healthy when you have absolutely no money. (I'm still waiting on my refund check to show up) But hopefully, I will also be involved in an 8 week program that addresses nutrition and exercise. So, I'm excited about that.
3. Be better with money. As soon as I can get this stupid refund check, I can put most of that in my savings account and not really have to worry about bills for (almost) the next 6 months. I sill need to find a job to be able to make some money at least a couple nights a week(end) to save up for wedding money.. which brings me to..
4. Get wedding planning done by may/june-ish. I'd really like to get this all done. I only live a couple hours away, and I would love to have it all done in the next few weeks, but it's really hard to plan anything when you can't pay for anything. I'm really hoping by march we have the big things (reception place, food, photos/video, my shoes..) hehe. Really though, I want to get all this planned so I don't have to worry about it. (even though I'm sure I will)
5. Find a great church to go to that I feel like I'm 'home' in. This one kind of goes along with diving deeper into my faith and all that kind of stuff too, but I like to be a little general. I want to feel home again, and I want to have friends in church too. I know it'll take some time, and I'm ok with that, I've been talking to more people around school (at least it feels like it) and I'm sure it'll get better. Being a transfer student kind of sucks, but I also know that I can drive 2 hours and go to church :)
So, there's quite a few really big things I want to work on this semester.. I hope I can accomplish them all; some of them absolutely have to get done, and I hope I can get them all done.. now that I look at them all, they're all pretty important!
Soooo... time to get on #1 some more.. I did a few hours earlier, but time to get back on it.