Good morning everyone, I was wondering about the recent events surrounding the water pokemon, and I can't stop worring about the possibility that this fenomenon may spread to the other types .
So i want to ask you, kindly of course, that if you notice any behavior changes in any other pokemon that isn't a water typem, please report it in the
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Comments 33
Then she snaps out of her amusement and calls Opal, who just sits at her owner's side, the newly evolved Espeon is not entirely sure of what happened either]
Peon? Espeon?[How do I look? Mommy?]
Lion!..uh..I don't know if I deserve it, ..I mean, I don't even know how it happened
Thank you, but I think we shouldn't rest credit to Opal.
[Astina denies this by looking disinterested… until it notices the newly evolved compatriot on the screen. He nods at it in greeting. ]
Hello to you too. I was going to ask to report any signs of strange activity, that way we can be prepared in case this spreads to the others.
Does anyone know why this is happening?
[He looks over at his Pokemon as if maybe they have a clue, but none of them being water types they really have no idea. ]
What ever it is seems to have driven the water type Pokemon so crazy that they don’t even want to communicate with non-water types to tell them what is going on.
I would love to help the others, but all that I can hear is distress calls and none of them has any information about the possible causes, it is really frustrating [one of Anew's hands runs through Opal's hair, as if she's trying to reassure herself that this issue won't affect her pokemon...yet]
But I'm worried that this may ending up spreading to the rest of the pokemon types. That's why I'm asking to report any changes, if that doesn't bother anyone
I don't think that will be a bother. Sounds like a smart idea to me.
Speaking of which, do you have any water-types with you?
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