May 14, 2006 21:08

I get so angry at everything.

I just sent my boyfriend a text that said something like, "grrr you make me so angry I wish you would never come back. You need to find a martial arts girl because I can't deal with this. I'm sick of missing you all the time."
My boyfriend seems to ALWAYS be gone. I know it's not his fault because he works full time and I go to school at night. But on his days off he's still not around because he goes and does martial arts like 6 hours a day. I'm just sick of not having him around. I really do wish he would meet someone more like him because at least his new girlfriend wouldn't have to miss him because she would be there with him and she would understand his desire for it.

GAHHHHHHHH Life is shitty for me right now.

I HATE SCHOOL. I'm with a bunch of morons.

I think something is wrong with me physically too. My boyfriend wants me to go to the doctors but I don't want to go. I'm scared and embarrassed. Girl problems you know....


I want to quit so bad....
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