Easter-The Easter Curse Strikes Again

Apr 19, 2006 20:11

I know Easter was a few days ago but I've been busy.

First I need to tell the story of the Easter curse. For some reason every year around Easter something bad seems to happen. The major Easter curses are:
1998-2 days after Easter my uncle died in the hospital after a 2 month hospital stay (of AIDS)
2001-My dog dies right after Easter dinner
then there was another Easter curse but I can't remember what year. Another one of our pets died (a bird)
theres been more but those are the major ones.

I told my boyfriend Ave on Saturday morning to BE CAREFUL and to NOT DIE because I'm always afraid something is going to happen on Easter now. He went to work. I was so excited most of the day because I had been waiting all day to dye eggs (yes I'm a big dorky "kid"). Well I get a text from Ave saying he's having some pain in his lower abdomen. I'm like oh great...He texted me again and said he was feeling better though.

Well 2 hours later he gets off of work. He limps in and he's in some major pain so we had to go to the ER. We were at the ER from about 8 until 12. They had to do an ultrasound and they found a cyst so that was what was causing the pain. Ave has another Drs appointment tomorrow morning so we'll know more then. But it sucked so bad. I was depressed. I love the Easter holiday but it always seems to kick me in the ass. Now we are in even more debt because of the hospital bill. ack!

At least Ave was able to call out for work so we spent the whole day together with my family. It was fun. We dyed eggs first thing in the morning since we didn't get to the night before. I will have to put pics up soon.

I'm just thankful my love is okay.

Well I gotta go for now because I'm waiting for my best friend to get here so we can go to the bookstore and get some Starbucks.
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