
Mar 20, 2011 12:56


Big god. Little god.

Big gods and little gods. Good and evil gods.

"Do you like my prayer?"
"I do not. Good-by!"

One little god going in. Three big gods going out.

A cruel god on a basalt ziggurat. A kind god on a granite ziggurat. An emotional god on a sandstone ziggurat.

Some big gods and some little gods going around in processionals. A god out of a processional.

Two big gods in ascent. One little god in decline.

The emotional god is up. The logical god is down. The kind god is in. The cruel god is out.

One god up on a temple. Three gods down in the city.

An emotional god over the ziggurat. A logical god under the ziggurat.

Two gods in a temple on a plateau in the city. A god over the city. A god under the city.

"Hello again."
"Do you like my prayer?"
"I do not like it. Good-by again."

The gods are all going around and around and around. Go around again!

The sun is up. The sun is Logic. The logical sun is over the temple. It is enlightened out here in the sun. It is not enlightened here under the temple.

Now it is night. Three gods at an orgy on a plateau at night.

Gods at peace. Peace, gods, peace! Gods at war. War, gods, war!

"Hello again."
"Do you like my prayer?"
"I do not like that prayer. Good-by again."

Gods in processionals again. Going away. Going away fast.

Look at those gods go. Go, gods, go!

Stop, gods. Stop! The ritual is halted now.

Go, gods. Go! The ritual is proceeding now.

Two gods at war. At war up on top. Go down, gods. Do not war up there. Go down.

Now it is night. Night is not a time for war. It is time for sleep. The gods go to sleep. They will sleep all night.

Now it is day. The sun is up. Now is the time for all gods to get up. Get up! It is day. Time to get going. Go, gods. Go!

There they go. Look at those gods go! Why are they going fast in those processionals? What are they going to do? Where are those gods going?

Look where they are going. They are all going to that big ziggurat over there.

Now the processionals stop. Now all the gods get out. And now look where those gods are going! To the ziggurat! To the ziggurat!

Up the ziggurat! Up the ziggurat! Up they go to the top of the ziggurat. Why? Will they have peace there? Will they have war there? What is up there on top of that ziggurat?

A god orgy! A big god orgy! Big gods, little gods, cruel gods, kind gods, logical gods, emotional gods, good gods, and evil gods are all at a god orgy! What a god orgy!

"Hello again. And now do you like my prayer?"
"I do. What a prayer! I like it! I like that orgy prayer!"
"Good-by! Good-by!"

For consideration: GO!

dogs, religion, parody, gods

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