Have a nice free time

Feb 10, 2016 10:11

One as a minimum article in each managerial magazine over the world describes "How to get free time to think strategically", "How to stop working over weekend" or something similar. Delegating, controlling, time scheduler.... You know what I'm talking about, my dear CEO.
One - as a minimum again - article in the same magazines describes "How to value your time", "How to make choice what to do". And again - standard recommendation: compare your own hourly rate with a commercial rate of a gardener....
Both problems are actual. Both treatments are wrong.
I have just one recommendation.
Most busy employees, equipment, machines we usually call “bottleneck”.
Now engineers know how to avoid bottlenecks.
But managers strongly and stubbornly ignore this knowledge. They want to be bottleneck. They are happy to be integrated in all company processes. And, as any other bottleneck, they are always busy and always don’t have time for anything.
So, my recommendation is simple.
Manager, do not be the bottleneck. Delegating is not enough. Schedule is not enough. You must delegate with the goal - to stop been a bottleneck.
Have a nice free time, my dear CEO.

process, en, management

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