Here comes November! (short life update)

Nov 02, 2013 23:56

November is going to be INSANE but also AMAZING, I’m reaaaaally excited because I have a lot of plans and projects and that’s what I’ve been lacking for a long time, so I couldn’t be much happier! =D

My life has changed a lot since September, more or less. I had zero expectations back then. I was so tired of studying once and again the same shit (shit = German), but I managed to pass my September exam and that was like an injection of positivity for me. With that I ended my degree finally, though I’m having some administrative issues (as usual) and I don’t have my title yet, but well that’s a minor problem considering the whole thing. I felt also really alone. Like, one of my best friends had moved to the other side of the planet (Chile), the other one was busy with work and studies and shit, and the other one was going through hard times (has being for far too long and still is) and she consistently contaminated me with bad feelings and sadness and pessimism. I needed changes and new people in my life.

And surprisingly that’s what I got. I happened to meet a whole lot of new people, active, positive people, some of whom have become indispensable in my life and with whom I’m constantly doing things that I like. I feel so lucky all of a sudden =D

I have great expectations for this month. First of all, I’m going to Granada for a few days next week and it’s something I wanted to do since, I don’t know, forever? I have also started a monthly online course (I don’t know if that’s the actual way to say it in English, but) on Videogames localization and I’m LOVING it so far! And I also signed up for NaNo, even knowing perfectly that I’m having zero time to write, but it’s not that I actually lose anything for trying, so… So far I have only written like 600 words, far too less than expected. I’m continuing my Werewolves’-or-maybe-not story because it’s something I really want to finish sometime in life. The thing is, suddenly my cousin has asked me to write a script for a short film she and her boyfriend want to film for a contest and I didn’t hesitate to accept the offer because that’s simply SO COOL, but that’d leave me less time to NaNo. Maybe I could count the script word length as it was part of my NaNo project? It’s writing, after all.

And I think that’s all I wanted to tell you. Sorry for the shitty English, I’m so fucking rusty omg I need to revise grammar and vocabulary and my writing so badly.

P.S. Oh, before I go, here’s a gratuitous music rec!

image Click to view

I first heard it in Ravenswood, PLL’s spin off, and I couldn’t stop listening to it since then!)

P.S.2 Also started watching Sleepy Hollow (the new series) and I’m soooo in love with it :____ (mostly because of Tom Mison, my brand new platonic love, and HIS ACCENT).

sleepy hollow, cris_skye, music

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