I haven't posted since December ? What ?

Mar 24, 2013 02:06

Aloha ! No, I haven't been to Hawaii (although, that'd be a good conversation starter and excuse for the 3-month hiatus !). No, I have been going through life, you know, that thing we all have to deal with ? Yes ? Good. Yet again, I have discovered a social life (remember that cycle I discussed once before ? Probably about a year ago about my ( Read more... )


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roxmorgirl March 24 2013, 19:11:45 UTC
That is so awesome! I have really, really been wanting to do that in TS3 and I just don't have the time! I'm sure it is taking you FOREVER and that's so impressive! I can't wait to see pictures :D How is break?? Mine ends today and I'm so sad :(


cris009 March 24 2013, 20:52:54 UTC
Would it be easier or more difficult to do in TS3 ? It's actually a lot of fun to do and I'm only a fraction of the way done and I'm so proud of myself to even get that far ! I'm so anxious to post pictures but my inner perfectionist is telling me to wait until I'm completely ready !

So far break is boring, mainly because it only started 3 days ago, but you know :P Yours just ended ? What ?! How long was it ? Our conversations always remind me of how different Ireland is to America as regards breaks and holidays !


roxmorgirl March 25 2013, 04:25:04 UTC
Hmm that's an interesting thought! I'm not sure! Maybe I'll do it in both and let you know... LOL. I'm proud of you too ;)

Haha that's true! You're right! That's funny. I guess since we are not necessarily a Catholic country we do not get a big Easter break... In fact I (obviously) don't have any time off for Easter! Just the weekend :P Mine was a week and a half, but that's because of my particular school's odd scheduling. Most schools in the US just get a week off! Do you get 2? Or did I make that piece of information up? lol. I hope you enjoy your break regardless! :D


cris009 March 25 2013, 04:37:05 UTC
Yeah, I suppose since our country is based on Catholicism, we take the holidays seriously, well, the religious people do :P I for one just really like the time off :P

Yeah, we get 2 weeks off, thankfully ! It's a well-needed break and I'm going to make the most of it before I go back because once the break is over, it's 10 straight weeks of school until summer ... greeeaat ...


roxmorgirl March 25 2013, 18:23:22 UTC
Yeah that's what I was thinking! I would be more like you, just enjoying the time off, too, lol!

Wow, that's a lot!! I have 8 weeks left starting today, with one long weekend in the middle! Wonder why you go so much later than we do...


cris009 March 26 2013, 17:50:42 UTC
Yeah, I actually wonder why the breaks are so out of sync when it's based on the same holiday ...


roxmorgirl March 27 2013, 01:11:54 UTC
Yeah it's weird because Easter wasn't even within my break at all!


cris009 March 27 2013, 21:52:48 UTC
... What ? xD
What was the point in that ?! This is so confusing ...


roxmorgirl March 27 2013, 21:58:11 UTC
I know xD I suppose the point is that it was the week exactly halfway between Christmas and summer breaks, but... still weird :P


cris009 March 28 2013, 16:56:59 UTC
Yeah, that does make a bit more sense now :P so it'd be fair to say that it's more of a midterm than an Easter break ? :P


roxmorgirl March 29 2013, 21:37:01 UTC
Exactly! Here it's technically "spring break," not "Easter break," so I guess if it happens to coincide with Easter then cool and if not then oh well! Haha :)


cris009 March 29 2013, 23:28:46 UTC
Spring break, that's so American :P I can see what you mean, it either falls on Easter or it doesn't :P


roxmorgirl April 1 2013, 05:08:56 UTC
Hahaha is it American? That's really funny xD Oh my gosh I met a guy from Scotland the other day (which I know is not the same thing as Ireland but still) and he said he kayaks to the grocery store because it's faster than driving there. I WANT TO KAYAK TO THE GROCERY STORE TAKE ME TO SCOTLAND OR IRELAND OR ENGLAND xD


cris009 April 2 2013, 21:02:17 UTC
He ... kayaks to the grocery store ...?
What ?!
I WANT TO DO THAT ! Now I want to go to Scotland and kayak to places ! I will live on a small island away from civilisation just so I can kayak to grocery stores and the cinema and book stores and .... oh think of the possibilities ! This guy has it all ...

Oh God, I'm insane ... we're insane ... that guy is insane ! ... I still want to kayak ...


roxmorgirl April 2 2013, 21:19:53 UTC
I KNOW RIGHT! Hahaha let's go to Scotland and kayak EVERYWHERE. We are possibly insane but come on! Kayaking!!!


cris009 April 2 2013, 23:03:09 UTC
Who doesn't love a bit of kayaking ?! Well, maybe hydrophobics but they're just party-poopers ...


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