Author's note : Hola amigos ! I'm giving all of you a break from my dramatic legacy and giving you a legacy where I can let loose and have fun ! You may think that an apocalypse challenge has to be depressing but wait until you meet the founder. She sees the humor in it all :P
Anyway, enjoy !
This is our lovely founder, Peach Sundae (don't you love her name ?).
She's completely unaware of what's to come in the future, poor girl ...
ANYWAY, let's get on with the story !
Heeeey, Peach ;D
Peach : Are you some kind of sexual predator ?
No ! :O I'm ... THE VOICE !
Peach : That's kind of pathetic.
Pfft, we'll see who's pathetic when you get out of college ...
First order of business was to claim a room to fend off homelessness.
Peach : I'm going to do an assignment.
You can't do an assignment yet, you haven't registered your major !
This is the lucky* girl that becomes Peach's room-mate ! Primrose something-or-other !
*She's not so lucky, really.
Yes, Peach will be taking the physics major so that she can tackle the medical field !
Also the first job under 'Ideal Careers' is the Super Mario Bros. career xD
Peach : Jeez, who knew medical books were so complicated, huh ?
For a girl that wants to be a doctor, you're pretty dumb.
Peach : I'm so pretty, aren't I ?
Well the black eyebrows in comparison to your dyed white and blue hair makes you look like a drag-queen but then again, I created you like that so who am I to judge ?
Peach : You didn't create me ! I was created by my parents !
And I created them, thus creating you. Catching on ?
Peach doesn't have one of those fancy cooks like in dorms. She has to cook all her own food which I suppose is good training for her.
Peach, social networking is bad !
Peach : But it's fuuuuun !
School is more important right now, trust me !
Peach : Now ! Happy ?
Thrilled ! Ecstatic ! Exhilarated ! :D
Peach : Shut up -_-
I think the only reason I put this picture here is because if Peach weren't in an apocalypse challenge, I would probably make her a stripper xD
I mean, she's totally comfortable with her body !
This, boys and girls, is used to speed up or slow down the college process and since I haven't technically entered the challenge properly, I am entitled to use it :P
Look who Peach painted ! Immy !!
The funny thing is, it only sold for $2 xD
Peach : OhmyGod ! I just had the worst nightmare ! Everyone at the superbowl flushed the toilets at the same time and caused a nuclear explosion and zombies roamed free to kill the survivors !
Okay, maybe she's psychic ... >.>
Seriously, streaker girl, that is soooo yesterday, jeez.
Don't you just love how Peach has co-ordinated her gym clothes with the gym equipment ?
This, my friends, is what I would call a specimen. A specimen that will enter the Sundae's genetics and create pretty Sundaes. I know he's a zombie but what's the worst that can come of that ?
Famous last words ...
Meanwhile, this chick was getting all up in Peach's grill and distracting her when she was studying.
I hate it when people distract me -_-
Lookie here ! Who's grown up ? Why it's Perry Macbeth ! All grown up on his own accord ... >.>
And to make it better, he just happened to move into Peach's house ...
I dunno how it happened ... :P
It's a fight between Primrose and Perry !
Oooooh, makes sense now ... EAT HER BRAINS !!
Dammit ... Perry lost and Primrose gets to stay human for a little while longer.
Well isn't this just the essence of progress ? Peach, do something !
Peach : I'm eating.
Peach : You know, for a zombie, you're kind of hot.
Perry : Well I totally dig those clean girls so you're right up my street !
Peach : Who's to say I can't be dirty ;D
Keep it PG please.
Peach is very forward as you can see :P
Peach : So, hey, wanna be my boyfriend ?
Perry : Sure !
Peach : And now that you're my boyfriend, you're obliged to marry me >:)
Perry : Is that for me ?
Peach : No, I just thought I'd air it out for the day -_- Take it !
Perry : It's so pretty !
Peach : I know, I stole it from Primrose's jewelry box.
And so Perry will be taking biology as his major because he is going to be in law enforcement !
Look at all the random jobs I downloaded xD
This is a model couple, I tell you ...
Homework - you're doing it wrong !
Perry : Look, no hands !
Show off ...
Peach : Go Perry ! Kill her ! Rip the brains out of the annoying bitch's head !!
Ooh, another fight !
Perry : Owie ...
Obviously the cow-man decided that Perry was a friend of his and that the bitch needed to be taught a lesson xD
Peach : Smack her face off the floor ! I wanna see her bleed !!
This is what Perry does when he's not trying to eat Peach's brains. Seriously, if I leave them alone, he will attack her !
Peach : Well done me for finishing my term-paper !
Because I really care -_-
Oh sweet Jesus, Perry fix yourself ! That's just really creepy ! *shudder*
This random professor keeps coming to the house and ringing the doorbell for no reason.
It annoys me but amuses me at the same time xD
Oh noes ! :'O
Devil spawn !! Stay away from my Peachy Pie ! *shudder*
Tragically, he took the downstairs sink that only Primrose uses ... so tragic ... it's a hard blow from the repo-man ...
*hysterical laughter* Hard blow from the repo-man ... oh God ...
Graduation !
And they celebrated in their own way :P
* * *
It's the super bowl and all across the region, people are watching. The whistle blows for half time and every Sim in the city goes to use the toilet. Every single toilet in the region is flushed at the same time. The resulting drop in water pressure causes the three nuclear power plants in the area to go critical and melt down, devastating the region. Thankfully, the founder is off at college when this happens, but when he returns to start his family, he finds a very different world he must survive in.
Don't they look so thrilled to return to devastation ?
This is their crib that I built ;D
I payed special attention to the fallen-in roof :P
And this is all the furniture that they have since there are a shit-load of restrictions -_-
Peach : I think we should get married right now !
Perry : Okay !
Yeah, gurl ! Break it down !
Sexy time ;D
Baby-making time !
Time to look for jobs since they are crucial in this challenge !
But that just means that there's more time to improve skills :D
And write books ! (Yes, that is permitted)
Perry, Peach already broke it down. I have no more dancing GIFs left ... hold on ...
Now ? Happy ?
Perry : Very.
Peach did this ONCE. Autonomously. She never did it again.
Looks like there's a baby on the way and that means that we need to get jobs to supposrt the family and -
Isn't that nice :3 He wants a baby :3
Since we can't have showers or baths until Peach masters the medical career, the family is forced to repeatedly wash their hands until the hygiene bar is full. They wash their hands over thirty times -_-
Modern-day cavewoman stopped by for a visit.
Peach : Sweet Moses, my stomach is exploding !
No, you're just preggers.
Peach : Really ? Cool beans !
Peach : Wait, birth involves pain ... I hate you.
The days passed much quicker than I expected and Peach was a hippo.
This is Peach's first book xD
The delivery guy could find himself in the family some day :P
Those genes will be mine !
Peach : Uh, I'm leaking all over the floor ...
Your water broke.
Peach : OW ! It hurts !
Peach : Get it out of me !!
Peach : I am going to kill you :|
He has Peach's eyes and Perry's hair :D
Peach : I love him despite the pain he put me through !
And while the birth was happening, Perry walked around thinking of brains -_-
Welcome baby Sheldon Sundae !
Named after, well, you know :P
Don't you love him :P
Maybe he'll bring some luck with the jobs and -
* * *
And that's that !
It's nice to step out of the drama in the Fireshields and just completely let go xD
What did you guys think ? Do you think I'm going to survive the challenge ?
Do you think I'll cope with Perry in the family ?
Leave me a comment because ... I dunno, you love me ? :D
#1 - Peach was originally a real bad-ass the first time I played as her but I mellowed her out a bit.
#2 - She had a gay room-mate that talked to her about shoes and jewelry.
#3 - She married a guy named Lime Berry (created by me) and Perry was their mail-boy.
#4 - They had a little girl named Heather that looked like Peach's clone (hair and all)
I hope you enjoyed those tid-bits of random information :P