Jun 30, 2009 18:11
Took old couches out to the garbage before 7am with the help of our wonderful porter.
Went to post office to pick up Big Eddie Bauer order.
Had walk through with building manager to look at old damages that need fixing. She's approved everything and I even got a voice mail from the maintenance office asking me to call to schdule the work!
NEW COUCHES delivered. Nice guys that did a great job getting them in a small bending hallway. If one gets excited about new couches, does that mean that we're "grown up?" Also this caused a little rearranging of the living room and bedroom. Moved an end table in the bedroom that's now a TV stand. Moved chair by the window in the bedroom. It's a little tighter in there, but I'm not sure it won't get another 'rearrange' soon. Nice to have my weekends back to be able to do that if I choose!!
Picked up car to get new emissions/inspection sticker (went to THREE places that couldn't bother checking to see if my turn signals worked before I found this one little body shop in the middle of the street where the guy was VERY nice and even though he was booked, had me drive in and took the 10 minutes to do it. Also told me what I'll need to do next year when I have to get the registration renewed for the first time (NY state lets new cars go for two years). I got his card and told him I'd make an appointment for the "Big check" with him next year. He was nice and very helpful. I'm all about being good to people that are good to me. I know two Mobil stations that have signs out front saying "drive up emissions check while you wait" that I'll not even buy gas from anymore though.
Corporate Softball league game cancelled due to afternoon T-storm...fine with me...had too much work to do anyway...
Now to see about dinner while my wife is out in NJ at her cake decorating class....