Apr 17, 2006 01:09
So it's been about a million years since I've updated this. So, I'm going to update and let everyone know what's going on in hopes that someone will read it and someone will comment. Because that would be incredibly sweet.
My life has been a whirlwind of events up and down and up and down and honestly I wish it wasn't like this but hell, I guess it's just the hand we're dealt that we have to work with. Know what I mean?
» Eh, what is there to say about Spanish? It's another language. lol It's not that bad honestly because a lot of the shit we're doing is shit I did in high school really. Right now we're doing the imperfect tense. I have to do my presentation on my "routine" combining reflexive and preterit tense but that's easy shit. me levante temprano. um no, I never wake up early. Who said it had to be truthful? Regardless. Nothing lower than a 94 all semester. I'm rolling my way into that A. And damn proud of it, too. I've been working my butt off on that stupid workbook. Hmmph. :)
Psych of Mental Illnesses
» That class always provides a strange and fun time. I did a little shitty on my 2nd paper, I only got an 86. But the 98 I obtained on my analysis of the movie Fight Club (come on, how much sweeter can a class get? analyze one of the best movies ever? chhhyeah) made up for it. And the first paper was like a 92 so that's good. I should be in the A, A- level. Even a B+ would be good, but I'm reaching for that A. We're learning about sexual deviance right now. And it's mad sweet. We have some of the funniest lectures in the world, too. I love my teacher. She's the bomb.
» Well, who WOULDN'T love economics? Cough, sarcasm, cough. Nah. He smells. He wears the same clothes everyday. All we do for an hour and a half is write notes. It's gay. But easy, nonetheless. Shit that reminds me, my exam is soon. Hmm. Anyways. Yeah i'm rolling towards the A in that class too because I've handed in all my shit and I did good on the midterm and I know i'll do good on the final. Me and Paula devised a plan for me so I can do good. Matt is going to be my tutor and he just doesnt know it yet. He is like..the smartest kid IN the class. He got a 100 on the midterm. Um yeah Hi matt tutor me?!
» The stupidest class I have ever taken in my life. I don't care for it. It's all about globalization and third world countries and all this random shit. And he always talks about the news. Bitch, I dont have cable in my damn dorm room I can't WATCH the news! But yeah it's only once a week. An hour give or take of notes and an hour of some stupid video. And the final is a take home essay so that's all straight, I'm ready for that. :) I take good notes in class!
Experience, Existence, and Meaning
» I love psychology, but I hate this class. Mostly because the books we read are stupider than all hell. But oh well, I guess. I go, I sit, I discuss, I get my points for participation, I write my papers, etc etc. I should be doing fairly well in that class. We've only done one paper and I got an A on it. So yeah.
Next Semester
» I register for classes in like 3 days. I have my schedule set so that I only have classes on mondays wednesdays and fridays from 9:05 to 2:20. That's really not bad. Like high school, just starting an hour later. lol. I'll be taking Intro to Forensic Science (that's going to be hard - it's a writing intensive class which means a LOT of fucking papers), Spanish 105 (spanish for professional communication or something stupid like that...i cant remember the exact name of it lol, Developmental Psychology; childhood through adolescence (doesn't the name say it all?), Forensic Psychology (WOOT WOOT...forensics! psychology! my major and minor all in ONE class! woot WOOT! plus, it's with dr emer, my mental illnesses teacher. bomb diggity baby!), and College Algebra (um yeah, so looked in my friends college algebra book and that's mad easy shit that we did back when i was a friggen sophmore in advanced algebra. i heart math. im such a nerdy nerd). Yeah that's that..let's hope I get into those classes!!! And none of them are full!!!!
» Friends are...meh. As each day passes i'm realizing who my real friends are, who the people I can always depend on are. But still there are times where those people really make me hate life. I've had a .. life turning experience I suppose you can say. There are people that I miss more than hell as them being my friend but somethings things happen for a reason and as much as I hate to say it maybe i'm NOT such good friends with them anymore for a reason. Some people I can see that applying to wonderfully..but there's just one person that sticks out in my mind that goes against that friggen saying. there's so much about this person that i love and adore and all i can think of are all the good times we had together and how similar we were in some ways and how close we were and i just want that back, i just want it back. But oh well. Im a loser and she'll probably never care about me the way she used to (in a non lesbian way, people. in a friend way.)
» Well as always there's only one boy to be talked about and well I dont really feel like talking about that right now. My feelings on it all: undecided. I'm being..torn apart. Recent events have made me close back up and put those walls back up and as much as THAT hurts it hurts not being able to take them down and let shit get fixed. I dont know if its because i'm scared or if it's because honestly I just don't want it to be fixed.
» Yes, I have a job again. And honestly, out of them all i've ever had, this one is my favorite. It's so chill. My boss is kickass. My assitant manager is kickass. Everything about both of them is kickass. Yes, ther'es only 3 of us manning the store. Well, 4 now because Deb came over to our store (i trained in the store she worked in - the one in the mckinley mall). I work at Vitamin World in the Galleria Mall. So if you're ever in the mall...and you get bored..come visit me! Cause that'd be mad bomb cause I get bored there. Generally I work nights because i was trained to be a closer. My name is Danielle. I don't have a nametag OR a vitamin world shirt (which all the other employees have lol). I normally am wearing a white shirt and a black sweater and either khaki pants or grey pants. COME VISIT ME IF YOU SEE ME IN THERE SITTING ON A FOOTSTOOL READING A BOOK!!! lol cause that's what i do at work..sit and read!
Aside from all that..I just had the most bomb weekend ever.
I wish I could tell you what I did on friday but I dont know. Oh, I drank a bottle of apple puckers at dereks house around a fire. And went on a joy ride to the ghetto to pick up Nadia.
But saturday night..
FUCK YES. We went to Marcella's for the pink party and I just had the bombest time. And..if you go on their website and look at their pictures..me megan and dana are SO in them. They came up to us and took a picture of us! I'm mad though cause you can see dana and megan's pink but not mine!! I was wearing a pink skirt (dana wearing a pink shirt and megan a pink dress). I really don't like clubs but I love going with the 2 of them because it's just so much fun. But yeah.
Got a new cell, too. T-Mobile. 880-9364. Don't stalk me, please. And if you call and I don't answer leave a voicemail or i'll more than likely never answer your calls.
Leave me comments. Or find me on AIM.
Muahs. Love you all!
ps: i got my nipple pierced! the right one. didn't have enough money @ the time to get the left one done too haha going back this week to get that one done :-D
pps: FALL OUT BOY. HAWTHORNE HEIGHTS. ALL AMERICAN REJECTS. Friday the 21st. So going with the love of my life (aka Rachael)...WOOT WOOT! :)