Kill me.

Aug 11, 2005 02:00

I don't think I've wanted to hit someone/something more in my life. This is the angry part of me, later when im trying to sleep will turn into the sad part.

I start it at this. If you know me, you know I'm not a patient person... I'm not a patien person at all and its frustrating. In fact I've passed that point now... I'm just pissed off and I want to let you people know this.
Tonight has been the worst night ever... I don't even know how to describe it. SO much fuckin frustration from the passed couple of weeks and now this... FUCK THAT BULLSHIT... RIGHT NOW... FUCK EVERYTHING.

I don't know how to deal with it. I feel like im walking aimlessly in a pitched black landscape. No lights... No people... Nothing. I can't see the fuckin ground. I'm just fuckin walking like a fuckin retard until something happens... If nothing happens then fuck this place. I'm fuckin sick and tired of this shit. I'm almost 20 years old I'm fuckin done with this fuckin bullshit.

I see why people commit suicide... This kind of bullshit can destroy someone. Ugh I'm so pissed off! Its sad to think that i've actually thought of suicide... Why the fuck would I? I'm to pussy to do anything... Fuck you. I realize this entry if full of Immature comments and some boring lame ass everyday emo Joe shit... BUT I DON'T GIVE A SHIT! IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT DON'T READ IT FUCKERS!

Tonight is fuckin lame... I don't care what anyone thinks.. Not talking to you Is out of the question in Joes world. I'm not ok right now and I don't know what to do... So i'm winging it with a big FUCK YOU.

Whatever... Fuck this stupid entry.. fuck me for writing it...
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