'cause Catchphrase + Weekend = RP time!

Mar 31, 2006 20:22

So remember when I said in _catchphrase_ Yuna is like Sephiroth and Vincent's daughter? Well, I have a running playlist for Yuna in Catchphrase (yes... because I'm weird and I like playlists and my iPod and music are my life get over it) and I decided to share the two songs I have for her and her papas including the images. shahnichan already saw them, as she was having a bad day a couple of weeks ago and I showed them to her. Oh, as did rokubantaichou because she's the sex though she seems to hate Tidus and Yuna being happy together...evil little woman! ;_;

Closing In by Imogen Heap

01: A call to arms
I'm not too sure about this feeling inside of me. While the others have gone to bed on the ship, I walked outside onto the Besaid coast, troubled by my emotions.
Nothing is sacred or solid anymore. Cracks in the sand look like symbols of Yevon beneath my feet and the sky roars a red so clear, my eyes tear in its wake.

The connection I sought so hard to find was broken.

Yuna ends up in (one version of) Tokyo where she logs on to the computer and writes said post after the worlds shifted. Afterwards, she reaches out to Vincent Valentine, who explains the current situation is not within "the worlds as we know it." They talk, and she confides in him the secrets of summoning and the Aeons....and this is when Sephiroth takes interest in her as well and argues the idea of her having nothing to hide is false: "I find this hard to believe.. but I will allow for the self deception for the moment. Just be prepared... sometimes we find out more about ourselves.. than we wish to."

And so it began. Vincent takes Yuna under his wing. Sephiroth is interested in her abilities and knowledge. Yuna...well... she just wants to meet the people who have been so kind to her and travels to go meet them.

His Little One...

Megalomaniac by KNFDM

As said before, Sephiroth wants to learn more about Yuna's world. Any information about Yevon or magic pikes his curiousity. Yuna herself learns more and more about him and Gaia. Despite the megalomaniac he thinks he is, Yuna continually calls him a sweet and gentle being. He begins to call her a child because "You sacrifice yet you still see the world as inherently a good place that just requires saving... that to me is what makes you still a child." From that he finds the urge to protect her.

Not to mention the conversation they had about Yuna's hotpants thanks, Gippal!

But don't be fooled. Yuna herself challeged Sephiroth in inquisitiveness. She blatently and openly asked for information about Aeris and the Cetra. Before Vincent could find Sephiroth and stop the argument that happened, Yuna and Sephiroth made an unbreakable promise:

"Mr. Sephiroth...if you..if you decide to hurt others again, be aware that I will step in your path. Promise me that before you kill an innocent you'll take me first

His Daughter

Lullaby by Assemblage 23

Vincent is just as curious about Yuna's world, but is equally interested about her. He takes a different approach, asking if she is safe or if her wellbeing is being threatened. Most of the time it isn't, and Yuna finds herself safe while she's in Tokyo. It is to him she confides that she wishes to cross over (in Catchphrase it's called Finding a Portal) into Gaia. In fear of her safety, he asks Rufus to protect her. Not to mention the fact that she saw Hojo's journal first and alerted him to Vincent, thus making her a target (I didn't know that was going to happen!!!!) So he and Sephiroth went to Nibelheim while Yuna was guarded by the Turks.

Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg. When trouble occurs on the helicopter and has to drop Rufus off on Mt. Nibel to get Tseng away from Hojo, Yuna and Vincent finally hear each other's voices through a Phone Call, which is, to say the least, the cutest RP work I have ever done.


I have other songs too, such as Rufus'(older brother/best friend) and Riku's(kid brother) YunaCP songs. I really want a song for the three brothers of Advent Children, as Yuna kind of plays mommy/sister to them. (I use that term loosely, as...Mother would get made). Oh, I would also love a Hojo YunaCP song, as he's freakin' me out!!! AHHH!!!
Rikku and Tidus don't have one, as I have them on my FFX playlists XD

And that's about it!

ffx, catchphrase, yuna, music, ffvii, sephiroth, vincent valentine, papa

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