fitness update...of a kind

Apr 25, 2011 17:04

So, despite my post of April 11th, pretty much no improvement on the fitness and eating front in the last two weeks. Oh motivation and discipline, where did you go?

I did get to the gym on Monday, in addition to personal training on Saturday, which (sadly) is better than I had done in the previous 4 weeks. *wry* I'm looking forward to the classes I'm going to be taking in May starting. That'll put an end to this crap.

In the meantime, here's what I did on Monday and my current hip/belly measurement, for a baseline.

(Please note for the record that I do not believe I am overweight. I consider my size both healthy and reasonably attractive. I am doing this not because I think I need to, but because I want to be able to see some of my muscle definition.)

Monday: Cardio day. 5 minute warm up, 25 minutes at 5.0 mph, 5 minutes at 5.5 mph, and 5min cool down.
Weight as of Monday: 160 lbs
Measurement as of today: 42 inches

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