three drabble prompts up for grabs

Jul 14, 2009 06:38

I've really been debating doing this, partly because I'm wary of pressuring myself post-hiatus and partly because it's Tour de France season, which means I don't have much free time to write, especially since I have volunteers for the gift shop now and thus don't have my two hours sitting there. But I think the muse might need a little pressure! I have writing thoughts, but don't sit down to do anything about there. So here we go.

Three drabbles prompts on offer. I'll take the first three, unless they're all for the same pairing, in which case I reserve the right to take the first three different pairings, if I choose. (i.e., if the first three prompts are Steve/Tony and there's a fourth one that is Dresden/Marcone, I might write three Steve/Tony drabbles, or I might write two Steve/Tony and the Dresden/Marcone.)

Pairings on offer:

Steve/Tony (no vampire prompts, please; not in the mood ATM; maybe later :-))

steve/tony, plot bunnies, doctor strange, dresden files

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