so i've kinda betrayed my lj for a real journal that just collects dust in my room (and actually holds some juicy secrets, haha) but i guess i can still update this old thing anyway. hm.. lets see.. i guess i've actually been pretty busy this summer.
my daily schedule is basically sleep in, get up and babysit the sibs, put up a few things on ebay to earn my right to go out, and then get the heck out of this house for the rest of the day. exciting like whoa.. yeah i know it.
but ever since high school finally ended, i've been to lots of places all over NY. even tho its not the most interesting state, it has some perks here & there as i found out.
1.) went to the HUGE carousel mall in syracuse (endless & amazing shopping ^^)
2.) visited my bf's 2 kickass cousins who live in the russian ghetto of utica lol
the bf, my 2 little sibs & me
and this would be the blondie again =]
4.) had to go back to buffalo for an hour of some random legal stuff
5.) and had the best time ever spending a day at 1000 islands w/ my man =]
oh and lets not forget the amazing sights you can check out right here in ROTchester! sarcasm, kids.. sarcasm. so its been fun. well i'm going on a few more trips before Sept so i don't die of heat here, just somewhere down south. looking forward to it A LOT.
i'm having fun practicing for my road test. its this FRIDAY =\ still suck at parallel parking.. bah. wish me lots of luck. i'll reeeally need it.
1 month, this saturday ^^ going perfect, i might add.. just like i hoped.
hope you're all having awesome summers too.
k i'm done dorking around, bye for now loves !!
♥ crimsy