Nov 24, 2011 18:26
Am clearing out my games collection. So many games that just suck or that I just don't play anymore. Oh man. Now that I look at them, I just notice how... bad my ability to judge games is. Seriously.
Well, there are a few that are popular, which deceived me into thinking they are good/fun. Like Kingdom Hearts. I hate that game so much. The battle system and the "jump system" sucks so much it's hilarious in a bad sense. Also, the Dragon Quest game for PS2. I never was a fan of Dragon Quest (the art style makes my skin crawl. I loved Dragonball years ago - it was my very first manga - but for some reason I really hate Toriyama´s style now), the one game for DS with the angel thingies was nice and fun, but that's the only one I like.
Fffff, so many things I never really played. I can't even list them all.
Path of Radiance and Shadow Dragon are going as well. Maybe I'll add Radiant Dawn later as well. The gameplay has started to bore me (I have save the whole game script anyway so I don't need it). And Shadow Dragon never was any fun anyway. Maybe now someone else can have fun with it :3
And then I'll order a 3DS and Tales of the Abyss 8D
Edit: Huh, that was quick. Path of Radiance is already sold 8D
Edit: Woot, Kingdom Hearts is gone as well 8D Am more than surprised that it goes so quickly. Otoh, it's November. However, I don't believe the other, what, 23 games will be sold as well. They're not popular at all (and pretty old in some cases. Pokemon Trading Card Game for Gameboy Colour, anyone?)
video games,