Times are strange, and strange is time

Jan 04, 2007 21:12

So i realized tonight, I am going off the deep end...wait...maybe that already happened. well in any case. i have been thinking about this whole new year thing, and realized that maybe there is more to my life than i once thought. I seem to forget that dispite how i feel about my past, it is a testament of all the times i have fallen on my ass, and gotten back up. i think about how much it hurt to fall, but never about how i felt after i climbed up the mountain again. for all my talk of looking at every angle, i seem to focus on the worst case scenario. for example the other day, i thought, i hope my friend doesn't do something, instead of, they will be here in a few moments. i really need to stay more positive. i think i need injections of positive attitude or something...

So if you are looking at my page now, you should have noticed the most obvious thing of all...figured it out yet?...i hope so. with a new year, a new me, and a new starty on life, i figured, "hey why not" and redid my journal page. i think it looks allitle less demented personality, and alittle more demented professional...yeah that's right. i am demented, i know it.(waves pitch fork up and down)"Bask in my dementedness ness ness"

So i decided to review a few things about my last job to help me in my new one. The five steps will ALWAYS be my own personal version of the darkside ( i know, i am a geek), but the 8 steps to success. they can help anyone with any problem. well almost. Curious what they are? well for the first time, witness something you already knew, but yet didn't, but into 8 (or 9) steps.

ok so:
1)Have a positive attitude
2)Maintain that positive attitude
3)Be prepared
4)Be on time
5)Work hard the whole time
6)work every aspect to it's fullest potential
7)Take control
8)Know what you are doing, and why you are doing it
(9 isn't offical) BUST YOUR A##!!!!

without all these steps in place. success can be lost at sea, like a message put in a bottle and sent on the wrong current.

anyhow. i decided to look at some other things too, like where did all my friends from home end up. or more appropriately, where are they not. it would seem that a guy i knew and was good friends, had a run in with a tractor about a year back. he is not exactly the brightest cookie at the moment, but I'm sure he realizes his biggest mistake was playing jacka## with a tractor and having his lower extremidies removed.(Youch). i haven't found any others. But the one i do keep in touch with is supposed to be getting a placement on a cruise line, and maybe in the carribbean this winter. To you, i say, Man the mast and dawn your pirate hat. your about to be a pirate of the carribbean. oh and always watch your rum...it seems to disappear...
yeah so after my ...14 yr long friendship with him, I think it is safe to say he is a brother i never had. all the best to him.

anyhow. life here goes on like it always has, and i am thinking it is time to pick up my weights again. time to hit the bricks and focus on MY future. i plan to be big, healthy, and able to lift cars over my head while wearing a silly cape...okay this is going nowhere fast...but big and strong is my mission now. by the end of the year, I want to double my arm size, and have a mild "6" pack. YEAH RIGHT!! we'll see about that...
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