Aug 28, 2004 23:31
I suppose everyone's busy on a saturday night. Bitchy too. Everything went fine at work until about the last 5 minutes of it. Josh was in a bad mood when I was telling him that Eric, the cashier for the evening, was short 9 dollars and he's all "what do you want me to do about it?" Well what the fuck do you want me to say!! I just thought since you were kinda like my supervisor you might want to know that the cashier was off tonight!!! Then I think I said something like well I thought you could find it or something (the error maybe) and he's like "well, shit" as he flipped through the paperwork all casually. Whatever, I do so much shit down there and people don't even care, I'm about ready to just quit. No one's even said thank you, or I appreciate you working or at least some form of a thanks for taking people's shifts, getting rings when I shouldn't even be the one doing it, covering for people when they're late and just doing shit every day.
Ryan's at a movie with his cousins and someone's boyfriend or something. He called me and we talked for like two minutes, it's fine though, at least he's out doing something, that's good.
I finally got a new phone, now it's not all static all the time. Glad I was able to use it too. yeah.
To top my ever so antisocial life, about two minutes ago I'm talking to someone and he's like all women are evil and I'm thinking, whoa there, what the fuck are you talking about? He'd been drinking and said he was totally gone and that he was tired of everything "you" do. I think he meant you as in what women do, because if he literally meant you as in me, I'd be completely livid and using much more profanity in this post otherwise. He was also talking about how "you" (women) 'lead him on and hang out with people that treat "you" like fucking shit.' Anyways, then he's like I'm gonna go drink and forget what happened tonight. So then I ask what happened and he's like gotta go, bye. So what the fuck ever. I talk to him about once every two weeks, maybe less and I don't know what the hell he's talking about, it's always very brief with him making a dramatic exit to probably try to impress me or leave me guessing and wanting more out of his so called curious life. yeah, no.
AHHHHHHRHHGHHHGHHGH!! I don't even know why I'm angry, really. It feels like everyone is too busy doing there own thing. That sounds incredibly selfish and it probably is, but I just felt like talking to someone and there's no one to talk to. I should be happy that I'm sitting on my living room floor watching the Olympics by myself on a saturday night. Really, I should be.