Aug 22, 2004 00:39
Work has been crazy nutso. Too much of it I think, I just need a break, I feel like I'm getting all worn out over nothing. dangit, well, only like one more month, two more paychecks..sad, but it's okay.
I'm all thinking about what I'd like my house to be like in the future and I really don't know. I think everyone has there 'dream' home and what they'd wish it'd be like but I don't think any of that is realistic. I don't know, of course I'd love to have the perfect house and have it look just how I've always pictured it, but when I get married (well, if, but that's besides the point...), have a husband, have a family and a decent job, then the house, the car, the accessories and the yard wont matter as long as you have people around you that you love and love you back. I think family is more important than anything else, even though I bitch about how unfamily-like I am myself, I think that's most important. :sigh: However, if the extra money is just laying around ya know, then of course I wouldn't mind having a few nicer things. ;) Who wouldn't? So yeah, I think about the future wayyyy too much, like when I 'daydream' or just randomly think about things, it's always about what's in the future, and not like in a week or a year, it's like when I'm 24 or older. I think about where I'll be, who'll be in my future with me, what I'll be doing, yadda yadda. I probably shouldn't do that though, I should 'focus on now rather than later...' kinda like the whole if you dwell on the past you miss what's going on now type of thing. hm. It's like half worry half dream. so it's OK I guess.
Anyways, I had a dream last night I was trying to dodoge this huge natural disaster but I didn't know exactly what it was and I had already seen a building collapse so I told some people I was with to run over with me and hide under some walls that had fallen down and I went under some tiled flooring or something and I wasn't sure what I was running/hiding from but I went anyways, then all of a sudden there were these helicopters shooting at us and trying to kill us or something with their guns and they were hitting the little tiles that were covering me and I was like holy shit, because I could have sworn it was real. I remember looking around and seeing all these toys for kids, but they were enlarged for grown ups to play on and they had a bunch of slides (one of which I went down..don't know why) and monkey bars. Then as I was trying to climb over some play toy, out of nowhere there comes all this lava and its about 12 feet tall so I figure we need to get in a tall building to save ourselves, so these random people and myself run away from the shooting helicopters and 12 ft. tall lava into a building and when we get inside it's incredibly nice and clean. So we're running to save our lives and I remember feeling really anxious, like adrenaline/heart pumping scared feeling. We end up towards the roof and I was walking through this tunnel made of glass that allowed you to see the outside. But, along the way, I was trying not to be seen by the owner of the building. I finally got outside with everyone else and I saw the owner and I thought I was going to get in trouble, so I turned around and walked back through the doors I came out of.
And that's that. I've been having the freakiest dreams lately, it's absolutely ridiculous.