The Vough Legacy Gen 10

Mar 01, 2008 20:19

The last one, I never thought this day would come. It's time to say say hello to generation ten but goodbye to this family. Read on!

We're home!

Patrick is still sexy, and he's totally rockin' that Maxis hair like there's no tomorrow.

Tara is being a bit of an idiot though.

Tara: Let's see....

Tara: skfjffggs;;;;sjdikfelxxxtstxxssssssgsttsxfsgs


BWAHAHAH, I've never seen that in this legacy, woot!

Tara, doing that would only be appropriate when you DON'T look like charcoal. Otherwise, it's just... pathetic.

Shocking fiasco aside. I felt like throwing a wedding party.

Too early Brian. But its nice to see your enthusiasm!

LOL @ Brandon in his pink suit back there.

*throws confetti*

Brandon: My brother's new wife is hawt.


NOW it's time for the booze. Karen will do the honors.

A toast to the new couple! At least the groom, the wife seems to be flippity-gone.

The day ends with a good old fashioned honeymoon. Because I don't have Bon Voyage, the limo wont actually take them anywhere worthwhile. Shucks.

I didn't even notice when they came back. I'm glad to see ACR took care of them. And Kennedy Cox got a good show apparently. *___*

Opal makes her return and scares the bajeez out of Tara. Haha, someone is pissed to be dead.

The most important part of any legacy; the woohoo. BABIES!

Gaara: How come they have more fun than us and we're the ones that are retired?
Karen: I honestly have no idea dear.


Tara: Sorry dear, I know we're on a date, let me just puke out some blue stuff and I'll be right there. :D

Patrick: Why is the toilet getting more action than me today?!


Tara: So, Mr. Vough, your idiot son didn't notice, but I'm totally pregnant.

Tara: I feel bad that the rest of these people won't be here to see the baby....

She almost made me cry when she went to Daisy's grave autonomously. Almost.

Edward is such a big kid! At least he wont be taken away by the social worker!

The love still goes strong in the Vough household. It's gonna be hard to say goodbye to these two. Seriously.

Pop #1!

*notice Edward is still jumping on the freakin' couch, that Room has many of those career reward objects that bring up your mood. As long as a Sim is in there, they will NEVER have to move again, their needs will stay at the top forever*


I think he knows she's pregnant now. I'm glad it didn't take him forever to figure it out.

Edward is teh AWESOMEST.

And I got them all a hot tub. I'm just doing random things to keep this going, lol.

Karen: Damn, am I the only old person here?


Meanwhile, Gaara and Tara bond a little more, just like family should.

Gaara: Hey, so you know Karen? My wife?

Gaara: She's totally going to die soon!

Gaara: Just like her mother! Lol.


Father/Son competitions for the win!

Oh gosh, I cant decide who's hotter. D:

At least I know they're both full of fail.

Maybe a little less fail for Edward? Y/N?

This family is weird. A burglar, an exorcist, a party guest. What kind of family is that?!

Almost there.

Rain! Look at Patrick all :DDDD, he must love rain!

Ghost!Ayda is an acrobat! Yay for talented ghosts, and for the Vough founder being out and about just when generation ten is about to be born!


OK, who let Tara take the drugs behind the toilet seat? ME ANGRY NOW.

The family is not very enthusiastic....

That's more like it.



So that means this legacy is officially OVER. Everyone pop out your champagne and shed some tears.

It was a boy, Hayden Vough!

He turned out to be a really good looking teen! Mweow!
The genetics were good up till the very end, I am very happy about that.

He got Patrick's awkwardness of a face, and Tara's uniquely beautiful genes, all in all, it mixed well.

And now for a quick look back at our founder/heirs of the Vough Legacy. I swear it will be quick!

Ayda Vough.









And Hayden!

Family shot! I don't like how it really came out, but at least they're all in there. Amiright?


I can't believe I did it. Take one last look at the Voughs! They'll miss you and I hope you miss them.

Thanks to everyone who bothered to check out my updates, I truly appreciate it. It took nearly eight months to complete this legacy, but I did it! I had so much fun playing this family, and I hope you all enjoyed reading about them. :)

Although the legacy is over, I might go back and play them once in a while... we'll see. ;)

For now I say, bye bye Voughs. Thanks for reading! :)

generation 10, vough, 10.1, legacy

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