The Vough Legacy Gen 9.3

Feb 27, 2008 23:20

Last time we left off, generation nine had been shipped off to college. Patrick was declared my heir, and so... the story continues.

Patrick: Please don't try to flirt with me, you have terrible cowbreath.


Being the Pleasure Sim that he is, out on a date with Tara he goes!

These two are very lovey dovey. And Tara looks pregnant with that dress, I just noticed.

College consists of the usual. Bubble blowers, cows, and hot guys. It's a mini-paradise of sometimes boredom.

Of course, the experience wouldn't be complete without the creepy stalkers.

It's nice to know Patrick prefers to spend time with her girlfriend than that one blond chick. xD

Are you wondering why Tara has such a big smile on her face?


I always get my Sims engaged too fast. But hey, I'll do whatever it takes to get that freakin' dream date.

A dream date it was. Now I need forty nine more of those.

Patrick didn't get Edward's awesome bug catching gene. I guess it skips generations or something. D:

Pleasure Sims really do enjoy doing strange things. Freestyling? The things I do for Patrick. *sigh*

Tara: Keep at it babe, you look hot!

Patrick also wanted a game, so I bought the dorm Myshuno! It's the cutest game ever, although it gets annoying when Sims decide to play it all the time.

Let's focus on Brandon for a bit, shall we?

He's got his eyes on a dormie who is easily falling for his charms. If that were me, I wouldn't be able to resist him either.

Dormie: WHOA WHOA, just because I got stripped to my undies, don't think I'm gonna go all the way!

Do you want him or not? Or maybe you should take a shower? I'm conflicted.

Brandon: Ew, she smells! I don't know what I ever saw in her.

That's right babe, stand up for yourself!

I'll never understand the both of ya, I swear.

Also, sometimes I wonder if I'm the only person left who hasn't downloaded the a nudie patch. Lol.

Ohhh, I see what you did there Brian. Enjoy the show.

After the rumping is done, the two brothers and go and have a nice, friendly, pillow fight.

This whole room is full of tension. And it always surrounds that dormie, quite odd if you ask me.

But at look at how cute Patrick is! I'm totally making that face into my default icon. XD

I invited the sorority freaks over. I wasn't actually planning to join, I just needed entertainment.

Toga Freaks: Woot a mailbox, HOW SEXY!!

Tara: Please don't make me talk to them!

C'mon, I would kill to talk to a guy in a toga!

Tara: If you try anything creepy, I'll shoot you on the spot you hear me!

College is not always fun. Sometimes, you're very accident prone. *snort*

Brandon: This thing is starting to make me feel like I should wear makeup. :DDD

Taara: A pearl necklace wouldn't hurt you either. :DDD

Brian has en eeeevvvviil plan up his sleeve.

Brian: Shit! The cafeteria lady is here, I'm gonna have to abort the plan! D

I am a GENIUS! Evil plans continue!

That is so cool. I wish I could carry one of those in my pockets!

You evil little genius you, I don't wanna stop him because he looks so cute!

But that plan kind of backfired on us. Waaaay too much mess.

BAHAHHAA, sorry Brandon, but you were starting to creep me out with all of the fashion talk.

Apparently, Tara knew Patrick's great-grandmother, Daisy. The mystery behind it all intrigues me ....


The PDA is adorable though, Nightlife has such awesome interactions. :D

Patrick: *blows kiss*

Taara: Tee hee. :D

Back at the dorms, we have the dormies playing Myshuno at 3am. That game must be like a drug or something.

The petty enthusiasm makes me laugh. Plus, she's the only player.

Brian is a bit neglected, so now we focus on him a bit more. Let's give him some romance!

Brian: I want boob Matchmaker, A LOT OF IT.


Errr.... I guess she'll do...

Brian: I like you. You have the look of a slut who will do it in public.
Date: Plus.

That date was rather boring, they didn't have much chemistry with each other. *yawn*

Brian is totally a clone of Edward. They have the same eyes and hair, they are both ROMANCE SIMS, and they can both catch bugs.

I have Tara release the bugs, I didn't want to see them die.

Mandatory primping spam, Tara style. She's sooo pretty!

Brandon: So, you really plan to pop out generation ten?

Tara: Maybe?

Oh, she's gonna do it, just you watch!

Ouch, that's gotta hurt!


Tara: I should kick you in the nuts for that....

Tara, I don't think he cares, sweetie.

Yep, he's definitely not giving a damn.

A usual date for these two starts with a school cheer.

Then things become a bit steamy.

Tara: So... if we're gonna do this, you have to use protection.

Because of the constant Woo-Hoo wants, every date is a Dream Date. ;D

I think Brian found  a girl he might like!

And she's into him, that's a bonus!

Brian: So hey, a big voice in the back of my head is telling me to ask you if you want a makeover.

I think she looks so much better like that.

She however, HATED it. Fine, whatever, it's not like you were doing any better without my help. Hmph.

FugDormie: So if I do this makeover, I'll get more chicks?

Um, I cant promise you that big of a miracle dude, sorry.

At least he's more bearable than before. xD

Patrick: I'm singing in the rain, singing in the rain!!!

She returned from class with flowers. I doubt she's studying at all.

Needless to say, those two do almost everything together. It's adorable!

Brandon's time for a day out!

Brandon: So dude, Are you looking for any new members for your lame society?

Secret Society Dude: We're always looking for new members. We're currently trying to find the person who stole our cowplant. :D

*whistles innocently*

Brandon: What type of coffee would I like, decisions, decisions....

There's only one type, choose already!

You know what? I don't even want to know....

Brandon you nerd! Don't do homework! There's girls in the other room, go talk to them!

Brandon: I like your boob crest. CREST.

*head desk*


Secret Society Chick: If you put on some heels, I'll totally let you into our club.

SSC: I know I sound a bit crazy, but I totally love a man in heels!

These two are strangely attracted to each other. This was way too easy.

He talks about it the next day.

Brandon: So I grabbed her by the waist...

Brandon: And I lifted her...

WHOA, WHOA. Let's keep it clean baby. Keepin' it clean.

Dormie: Ewww, why am I playing chess with this guy?

Cafeteria Lady: Hello! I don't know what I'm doing here!
Dormie: Damn, I'm surrounded by idiots.

Another date. These two will never stop.

Ewww, you guys really have no shame!

Just kidding. It was actually picture time! :D

Then Woo-hoo!

And then some good old fashioned slow dancing. Complete with smashing your partner's foot and everything!

Patrick: Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. Please don't let it ruin our date, I live on dates!

Oh, don't be so dramatic! So your got foot squashed. It can be worse, trust me.

Last time I checked, Brandon was a mean Sim, right? WHERE'S MY EVIL SNOWMAN?! DDD:

Patrick: Is it snowing?

I don't know; is it Patrick? Or is grass white now and falls from the sky?

Of course, it's the perfect time for these two to spend even more time together. Word.

High Dormie: Dude, I wish I had magic train like yours.

Patrick: Yeah, my train has taken me to lots of crazy places!

Crazy Places = Nowhere.

Time for simultaneous graduations. I didn't feel like throwing a party for any of these kids.

Destined to spend their lives in the Sim Bin. Not that it really matters, since the legacy is almost over.

And, we're done! Heading home we are! ;D

The dorm was unplayable but this dormie still remained. She was frozen while playing Myshuno, which allowed me to end it with many lols. XD

So yeah, that's the end of the college years, it was nice to play as many Voughs as I did through college. It really is  a crazy and sometimes boring place, but I try.

Thanks for reading you guys! See ya next time.

The next update will be the last for the Voughs, I have all the snapshots ready to go, just need to take some final pictures and we'll be done. So please look forward to it. :)

9.3, vough, legacy

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