Feb 11, 2003 11:00
I've been reading other people's journals and thinking that I'm not nearly poetic or depressed enough to be writing here. It's nice in a way to be so balanced, but it's also really boring. I loved the out-of-control raw emotion that fired my creativity during my short-lived depression in high school. In my life now I don't *need* a creative outlet. I have to make time for it. I'd like to paint more.
Anyway, my life is pretty good. Shamus and I have just begun to talk in earnest about our wedding. It had seemed like a ways away, but it's creeping up and we're beginning to crack down. It'll be a budget wedding for sure 'cause we don't have a disposable income to speak of.
I'm trying to keep my face stuffed with food, but I can't seem to keep up a healthy *and* plentiful diet. I just saw the cover of People magazine with the headline "Body after Baby? the stars share their secrets" or something to that effect. I chuckled because I haven't done anything since Sophie was born, not even take a daily walk, and I had my body back 8 weeks later. Sometimes, I think, breastfeeding is the only "trick." It's so good for you and your baby even if it does wake you up a lot in the middle of the night.
Speaking of which, Sophie was sleeping terribly last month (I think I mentioned). It's getting better, but she used to sleep through the night and I was convinced that she didn't need to eat so much. I thought I had fostered a bad habit of *needing* to nurse to sleep. But then we went to her well baby visit and discovered that she had grown 3 inches in the past two months (a full 1.5 inches more that what she should have grown if she stayed in the 75th percentile). She was off the charts for her age; the length of an average 10 month old. So I decided that I was remiss in not trusting her to tell me what she needs. She really is the expert. What do I know?
Anyway I should go. So much to do... and we have people coming over for Buffy tonight...