00 → OOC: Contact/How's My Driving?

Jun 15, 2020 18:54

Comments? Complaints? Cookies? Conspiracy theories? This is the place. Feel free to also use this post to contact me for whatever other reason.

Anon comments: enabled and screened
IP logging: off
PMs: welcome!


Threadjacking with this character? → Always welcome! The journals of Edensphere are a public venue, after all.

Backtagging with this character? → Of course.

Hugging/kissing this character? → Generally yes, if he likes your character enough. Though reactions may vary, he's quite easy. (The player is fine with either, btw.)

Romance with this character? → Case-by-case basis! I like to let relationships develop organically based on events in the game.

Injury/death to this character? → No godmoding, please, otherwise all's good. Someone punches him, he punches back, though. Death is always a narrative option if there's a plot it could make more awesome, let's just talk it over first.

ooc: contact, !ooc, ooc: how's my driving?, ooc: permissions

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