24 → I shall close my door and be at peace

Oct 26, 2011 01:47

I'm awake now, and well. Sorry if I worried anyone, though looks like I'm far from the only one to have had a day-long nap.

I was once Kouei of the Water Dragon Clan. Here, I named myself for a man I saw in my dream, but I've worn his name for long enough. Call me Kouei, then. That seems best.

Somewhere out there's a land between four seas, under the nine layers of Heaven, where dragons swim in the deep and soar in the skies. It was mine, but my work there is done. My house is safe again, and my life at an end. My fate is my own.

So I'll stay, and call this place home, for however long the Heavens see fit to give me.

-souji (daitou), serious face on, -sniper, the hands-on approach, *end of edensphere, this post is a story, secretly a cultured man, this friendship thing, dreaming of dragons, memories get!, -krile (cara)

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