Fire and Ice (IDW Megatron/Prowl, NC-17)

Oct 24, 2012 20:27

My first post here, and I hope it's Con-centric enough. Megatron is one of only two major characters, and i tried to keep him in character despite the weird setup.

Fandom: Transformers G1/IDW AU
Author: gatekat
Pairings: Megatron/Prowl
Rating: NC-17
Codes: AU, Dub-Con, Arranged Bonding, Sticky, First Time, Virgin, Violence, MULTIPLE MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH

Summary: The war is over, but the peace is uneasy at best. So in an effort to bring the two factions together in the greater society that took over Cybertron in their absence, Optimus and Megatron commit to bond with the other's SIC. Neither SIC is thrilled, but they don't object too much, at least not when the agreement is made.

Disclaimer: The authors are only playing with their own twisted muses. Transformers belong to Hasbro. Fandom-side, check the inspirations page We draw from a ton of amazing stories and authors you should read.
Written for
Originally posted at
This is the betaed, cleaned up and slightly expanded version, but it is not significantly different.

Story Link:

g1, fanfiction, megatron

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