Fic: End of All Hope

May 16, 2011 23:14

Title: End of All Hope
Characters/Pairing: Unicron and two OCs, Bladewing and Vaportrail
Verse: G1
Wordcount: 2,500ish
Rating: PG-13 for doom 'n' gloom
Warnings: OCs, oh noez! Aside from that, not much. It's Unicron destroying everything, so it's gloomy as all get-out, but...
Summary: The little bit of TFTM where Unicron attacks the Decepticon-controlled Cybertron always interested me. I never felt the 'Cons
did enough in that, when all Cybertronians suddenly had a common enemy. I kept hoping Galvatron would break free of Unicron's control and the Autobots and Decepticons would take the bastard down together, but no.

This is my answer to that oversight. OC-centric.

Title comes from me watching a whole lot of this. You might want to play that song as you read, because damn.
Thanks to eaten_by_bears for beta.

(And no, this isn't for the challenge, as it's rather more "at the end" than "after" it. Better luck next time, me!)

( End of All Hope )

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