Title: Patience
Characters/Pairing: Megatron/Starscream
Verse: My own weird G1ish AU thingummy. Same verse as
Arising, etc.
Wordcount: 1700+
Rating: M for sexual situations of the sparkish variety, D/s, rather violent SM.
Warnings: Some violence, sexual situations.
Summary: Megatron, a promising young commander in the Cybertronian military, has been impressing (and wooing) Starscream with his plans for conquest, but the Seeker is entirely too impatient to get started wreaking the promised havoc. When his impulsive actions threaten to reveal Megatron's plans too soon, Megatron decides he needs the first of many lessons... and discovers he reacts rather interestingly to being punished.
Thanks to
femme4jack for beta.
Patience, or Starscream's First Beating )
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