.lets go dancing in the rain.

Jan 11, 2006 18:01

So I was all excited to give up. And now I can't. I can't concentrate on anything it seems like. Although last night after work after I sent the apology I felt much better and read half of Chapter 1 for Abnormal Psych, part of Chapter 1 in Mythology [which actually is turning out to be an awesome class despite my lack of interest in the subject], and pages 1-67 in the novel I'm reading for Life Journey. I felt accomplished. But since all I did Christmas break was pretty much drink and party, I have a feeling that class is going to really start to interfere on my college experience, haha. Maybe I just didn't want break to end.. [although the pink party was a pretty good finish].

My throat hurts. I hope I'm not getting sick. I hate being sick more than anything because I freak out about it and always think I have something deadly like cancer.

My comforter is really bothering me. I want to go get a pink one. Right now. Maybe Sarah will go with me when she gets back from class [I think she's in the class she has with Stash right now.. I would laugh so hard if she went all semester without even realizing they had a class together].

I need to do the dishes soon. I made some white cheddar PastaRoni earlier [it kinda reminded me of some gross tuna shit that Kyle made me when I was drunk, I guess I liked it then even though I hate tuna] and noticed there were quite a few in the sink. It's a lot easier to keep the apartment clean when your roommates do it too. Even though Sarah and I live in a box half the size of the one in Copeland, we have the whole downstairs to the three of us. With a pink futon. And a couch that doesn't need to be shaved regularly. And Chad's kickass and let us borrow his extra 30 inch TV so we can still have my TV in our room. And we have a pink bathroom, without hair all over the sink [and in the shower]. And Melissa rocks. We even have a class together.

I was all excited to be able to watch The OC since I don't have a night class anymore, and then I get scheduled at work. Life is just cool like that.

I just fed baby Mango, he's such a cute little guppie. Although I think he's lonely since Bubbles passed. I'll pickup a replacement friend when I get the comforter tonight. Oooo Chad's dropping off the pink blanket he made me [that fleecie type with the ties that I've been wanting for pretty much ever now] for my birthday tonight so I'll have that and the down throw Brandon got me to sleep under [I hate sleeping under my comforter because I'm lazy and don't like making my bed].

I did this too. This post is pretty much all over the place, like my thoughts. But at least it's not depressing. I had a stretch of depressing posts for awhile and I think I got passed that [hopefully] so here's my survey. I really like filling these out for some reason, I guess I like talking about me. I hope that doesn't make me self-involved because I'd like to think I'm not.


B- BIRTHDAY: Six days ago, and my party was officially the coolest one of the year so far.

C- CURRENT CRUSH: Let's not go there.

D- FAVORITE N0N ALCOHOLIC DRINK: Those Aquafina flavored waters.

E- EATING CURRENTLY: Just finished the white cheddar doesn't-taste-that-much-like-tuna-anymore noodle stuff.

F- FAVORITE FRUIT: Watermelon.

G- GO TO FOR ADVICE: Rob or Jeff.


I- I THINK ABOUT: Let's not go here either.

J- CURRENT JOB: Papa John's. Mostly I do it because I'm bored. I guess I don't really need money.

K- ANY KIDS: Yeah right.

L- I LOVE: My parents, Brandon, food, sleep...

M- FAVORITE MOVIE: I have way too many. I'm currently addicted to the OC Seasons 1&2 DVD's but I guess that's not really a movie.


O- OTHERWISE KNOWN AS: T, Tree, Reeses, Reesie, Spaz...

P- FAVORITE PERFUME/COLOGNE: Mine is VS Angels Heavenly but I looooove Abercrombie Fierce on guys, it smells like sex.

Q- A LITTLE QUIRK ABOUT YOURSELF: I don't ever shutup. Ever. I keep talking. I twirl my hair and bite my nails [well would if I didn't have acrylic's] when I'm nervous or scared. I can't sleep with the closet door open. And I like to think the covers will still protect me if I have a bad dream.

R- LAST ROAD TRIP: Driving home for Christmas.

S- DO YOU SMOKE: No, I like my lungs and have spent too much money whitening my teeth for that shit.

T- FAVORITE TV SHOW: THE OC. I think it's safe to say I'm obsessed.


V- LAST TIME YOU WERE IN VEGAS: I was 12. Dad's business trip.


X- X-RAYS TAKEN: Wisdom teeth and I just went to the dentist for a checkup. I have two cavities. If someone knows how I [who brushes her teeth like it's her job] acquired those then please, fill me in, I'm dying to know.


Z- ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn.
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