holy crap.
i saw a "sneak peak" preview for that lame 2012 movie that is coming out this year.
jesus christ, it looks like its going to be the most hilariously over-the-top ridiculous action movie ever made. its like every shitty disaster movie rolled into one. combined with the video game CG, this looks like a big chunk of unintentional comedy gold.
http://www.fancast.com/movies/2012-(Columbia-Pictures)/148925/1274572948/2012%3A-Exclusive-Scene/videos jesus christ, are these people serious? the only way this could be more ridiculous is if they replaced John Cusack with Nick Cage.
can you count the number of explosions in this 5 minute clip? hahahhaha... i think i might have to see this one on the big screen and cackle like a hyena the whole time.