I opened the Monash website to see my exam results with my heart in my stomach, steeling myself to see all Cs (credits; they're better than passes and are pretty good, but considering that I have a distinction average, I don't really like credits much). I worked pretty hard in the earlier past of the last semester, leading to stress-induced waaaaangst and massive burn-out at the end, and I made a really feeble attempt in the exams 'cause I was just sick and tired of it all. (CONSTANT VIGILANCE DEDICATION. I lack it.)
I've somehow managed to get high distinctions in all of my subjects. Even LOLBULLDUST Kiddie Novels is Srs Bsnsz Introduction to Fantasy Narratives. Even "plz write a 300 word essay on your experience of China, ie. the Asian country that YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN TO" Chinese.
Yeah, I know, boastboastblahblah, this is going to mean very little an hour later and absolutely nothing just a year from now, but for the moment, I'm really really happy. :DDD
I really want to find Saturday Night Fever on DVD/a good VCD. I love that movie way too much.
Also, I got my brother to watch Requiem for a Dream. It's great, 'cause now I have someone to fangasm over Sara Goldfarb (Ellen Burstyn) with me. :D It's hilarious how, in that movie with drugs and shootings and gangrenous arms and amputations, the most terrifying thing is a jumping refrigerator.