Dec 17, 2005 01:42
symphonysuicidal: when do you leave for italia
longarmsojustice: 27th i thinkllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
symphonysuicidal: i'm seriously choking on my jealousy
symphonysuicidal: its pallpable
longarmsojustice: hehe
longarmsojustice: we11 if it makes you fee1 better.................................... i wish everyday that i was as hot as you
longarmsojustice: but we can't a11 get what we want
symphonysuicidal: this is true. you've got rome. i've got a mirror so I can constantly bathe in my own beauty
longarmsojustice: so sis
longarmsojustice: what are you up to at this point in the month?
symphonysuicidal: at this point? well i've been out of school for a week. so i'm knitting, spending late hours at the all night diner, learning italian, playing music, visiting neighboring towns.
symphonysuicidal: basically i'm fighting boredom with every ounce of energy
longarmsojustice: go get laid sis
longarmsojustice: comon.. i don't have time for this... geez
symphonysuicidal: time for what bro?
longarmsojustice: for you to be bored
longarmsojustice: that's likle the worst thing i have ever heard... you of all people should never be forced to be bored
symphonysuicidal: me of all people? why can't i be bored?
longarmsojustice: you're too damn cool for that
symphonysuicidal: alright. I'm gonna blow this popsicle stand.
symphonysuicidal: night bro. tell the boys I said hey and happy holidays
longarmsojustice: i will
longarmsojustice: night sis
longarmsojustice: *hug*
longarmsojustice:*kiss on forehead*
symphonysuicidal: aww. *hug* *ruffle of your hair*