Gant: *is currently counting up a long row of running tally marks on the wall that he succinctly labelled "GOTCHA, FREDDY!" There is a cute, crude little stick figure version of Freddy scowling out at the world beside this label. This is the second time he has had to re-tally all the times he'd successfully pranked his friend. Hey, it was one way to pass the time other than musical jam sessions in a place like prison*
Guard: *at 10:10 PM sharp, four guards march up to Gant's jail cell. They look fairly serious and silent--not the usual cell block staff. One officer, higher ranked than the others, steps towards the barred door*
Guard: Sir, it's time.
Gant: *without missing a beat* For what, second dinner? Mealtime's over, my boy! *sets aside his scratchmarking utensil, and looks over to the guards with his usual smile*
Guard: *the lead officer shakes his head humorlessly and clears his throat for a moment before responding* No, Sir. It's time for your scheduled execution. Please, come with us.
Guard: *begins unlocking the bolt on the barred door; the other three guards stand with their batons at the ready, seemingly prepared for any resistance*
Gant: ... *reaches up to fiddle with his front-swept mass of bangs. It's a nervous, thoughtful habit of his, but he would never admit it directly. Tugs, thinking* What's this about, son?
Guard: *in a very no-nonsense tone* Your execution, Sir. You were notified about it this morning. *slides the cell door open, and takes a step inside-- attached to his belt is a pair of handcuffs and what appears to be a black sack, and he reaches for the former as he approaches Gant*
Gant: *a flash of legitimate consternation for a moment; he makes no move to stand or, well, anything, but sit up straight and fold his arms* That was my notification, my boy. I was given no such thing.
Guard: Sir, I'm just going off of orders and what I was informed. Please stand and place your hands behind your back. *takes a step forward, handcuffs at the ready*
Gant: *makes a strange sound, a cross between a 'ho hum' chuckle and a near-scoff* I didn't receive proper notification. You're the officer, Son. Get me to do it. I ain't got anywhere to go, eh? *resumes counting tallies in the meantime, an interesting, grim, dangerous grin on his face*
Guard: *nods to one of the other guards, and they step into the cell, baton at the ready. With the other man there, the head officer places a firm hand on Gant's right wrist, wrenching it towards his back*
Gant: *not fighting it, but isn't being helpful, either. Grimaces slightly, back to a grin* Watch it, boy! You don't wanna break this ol' man's bones! *chuckles!*
Guard: *doesn't reply, handcuffing that wrist and bringing Gant's other arm back to cuff it as well. Then, he reaches for the black bag attached at his belt and brings it down over the former police chief's head, drawing the strings securely so that it can't slip off*
Gant: *droll observation, somewhat surprised that he's already been black bagged.* Where's a copy of that order, son? You don't even got that? *Hearty, muffled laugh!* Well, I'm all yours, Sargey! Can't see like this, eh?
Guard: I have a copy of the orders right here with me, Sir. But we've also been instructed to not tolerate any nonsense from you. *places a hand on Gant's shoulder-- it's joined with another hand--the other guard in the room--and together they haul Gant up to his feet and direct him to the door, a hand each still placed firmly on him*
Gant: No nonsense! Doesn't a man get some last wishes around here? *laughs again, moving wherever he's directed. It isn't like Gant has much of a choice at the moment* Who's watching? *he's referring to the other inmates, though it could double for the execution itself*
Guard: The inmate across from you is watching, Sir. *there's a loud clank as the barred door is slid shut behind them*
Diego: *whistles as Gant is guided down the hall - a sombre rendition of Chopin's Funeral March*
Gant: Keep it lively around here, Deggy! *is finding everything really amusing, though in a very different way than perhaps the inmates are used to seeing from him. Unhinged chuckling. To the guards--* Pick up the pace, Sargey! We have to get going so I can make my date in time for lights out. Are you paid to move this slow?
Guard: *the pace does not change, and there is no response from the guards, just the firm grasp on each of Gant's shoulders and the sound of their measured footsteps as he is led through several large, heavy sounding doors. Finally, after a few minutes and through a final door, they reach a place that is quite clearly outside; there's a gentle, cool breeze-a storm seems to be approaching-and the glare of large floodlights that are able to pierce even the dark cloth covering Gant's face*
Gant: *clasps his hands behind his back. He would clap sardonically if it weren't so awkward to do while cuffed. Should he be feeling anything? He knew this was coming some day, though with the amount of years that had passed, it wasn't as close to him as it should be. All he could really own up to was amusement and surprise. Inhales, sighs melodramatically* A pool would be splendid. You don't happen to have one of those kiddie pools for me to wade in, eh? HO HO HO! I know! A last-minute baptism! Save my soul! Where's that priest?
Priest: *a quiet footstep approaches, and a low, calm male voice speaks out* My son, it is time to stand before the All Mighty. Before you go, is there anything you wish to confess?
Gant: Confess? I confess regretting that I have to go before the rest of them! Don't let those criminals get away, eh?
Gant: Tell me, did you bring the baptizing pool, any fine wines?
Guard: No, my son. *there's a pause, and then a hint of pity in the man's voice* Won't you confess?
Gant: Well, that's a real shame! So much for last wishes, eh?
Gant: Are you gonna get to stringing me up?
Gant: I'm done here.
Priest: *quite simply--any hint of pity gone from his voice* So be it.
Guard: *the guards' hands on Gant's shoulders give him a nudge as he is helped up the steps of the scaffolding*
Gant: *something about that change in tone struck him as odd, but he didn't care enough to voice it. Goes through the motions, helping himself up the stairs the best he can. As he's moved into position,* What time is it, Sarge?
Guard: Ten twenty, Sir.
Gant: *Ironic laugh!* Splendid, splendid! Ten minutes late, but you've done your best, my boy!
Guard: *unidentified hands place the noose around his neck, and it's tightened*
Gant: *tenses up*
Gant: Someone tell Udgey it's been great fun! Too bad I'll be missing his next visit!
Guard: *there's no response save for the sound of retreating footsteps as the guards back away a few steps*
Gant: *hums one of his favorite organ tunes from his days of Police Chief rather cheerfully*
Gant: *but the white knuckles and the bulging veins in his neck would betray his outward calm*
Guard: *there's a sound of a lever being pulled, and seconds later the trap door underneath Gant's feet swings open, hurling the man through*
Gant: *his breath catches in his throat, humming abruptly cut short, and impulsively, he doesn't let himself breathe. There's a precious few fractions of a second where his mind decides he's swimming in the Pacific during his time airborne - is THAT what you call your life flashing before your eyes? - when he hears the snap of a rope, and - *
Gant: *THUD*
Gant: *sprawls onto his side, bruised and shocked, on the hard pavement.*
Gant: *Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilence*
von Karma: *a sudden deep, booming and familiar laugh rings through the air*
Gant: ............
Gant: Ha Ha Ha...
von Karma: April Fools, Gant. *and the voice, though now quite clearly identifiable as von Karma's own, carries traces of the tone of the priest who had only spoken to Gant moments before*
Gant: *it starts off softly, but something in him - if it were intact in the first place - perceivably snaps in tandem with the thunder rumbling just overhead. He rolls into a booming, uproarious, inane and downright demonic laughter. Lightning strikes as the melodramatic impending storm sweeps in. The black sack blows off his head with the force of his fit*
Gant: FREDDY!!!
Gant: *as he's gasping for breath between bellowing, hearty guffaws* YOU GOT ME GOOD, FREDDY!
Gant: CHALK ONE UP FOR YOU, OLD FRIEND!!! *can hardly contain himself*
Gant: *stops abruptly*
Gant: *drops to a sinister tone of voice, very much no-nonsense* Help me up.
von Karma: *is standing some feet away on the ground, arms folded, grinning like the very devil* Certainly. *he snaps his fingers, and two of the guards move to help Gant up*
Gant: And the cuffs.
Gant: *Smile!*
Gant: *smoothly* It's only fair, Freddy.
von Karma: *nods to one of the guards, who moves to undo Gant's handcuffs*
Gant: *gratefully wrenches his wrists free, steps toward Freddy Von Karma as he's rubbing those aching wrists from being yanked around. Stops a mere foot or two away, his smile giving way to the infamous GANT STARE*
Gant: *.......... .......................*
Gant: HO HO HO! *big, friendly, not the gentlest hug. PAT PAT PATs von Karma on the shoulder*
Gant: Good show!
Gant: *dead serious again*
Gant: Until breakfast.
Gant: *turns to head back toward his cell*
von Karma: *his grin doesn't falter as his personal space is invaded--he'd expected such a thing, from Gant*
von Karma: *as the former police chief turns away, he closes with an:* Until then.
von Karma: *nods to the two guards directly near Gant, who move in to escort him away*
Gant: You forgot to gloat!
Gant: *laughs all the way back to his cell, akin to a slightly toned-down version of his unhinged fit moments ago*
von Karma: *arms folded, still smiling like the very devil* I don't have to, Gant. But if you insist, you'll hear it later.
von Karma: *stands there in front of the scaffolding for some moments, silent. Finally, he nods to the guards, who accompany him back indoors*