Day 13 - Favorite childhood show
This one is hard! I reserve the right to change my mind tomorrow. But for now, we'll go with The Muppet Show, mainly because it was the first annoyed letter I ever wrote to a magazine (never got there, my mother saved it to laugh over my wee indignant righteousness) and it also spun off several movies, which all rocked my world when I was like, nine. Also Uncle Deadly terrifies me to this day.
I say I bought the DVDs for Leah. I didn't buy the DVDs for Leah.
The Muppet Show is also the reason I love so many celebrities without reservation. JOHN DENVER, JOHN DENVER, I WILL ALWAYS MISS YOU. But this sketch is my favorite, even more so knowing how closely Jim Henson worked with Harry Belafonte in order to get it right:
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