I don't know about you guys but there are times when I go through reading frenzies, and then there are times where I barely read anything all year. Last year was a MAJOR dry spell for me. But now I'm finding myself back into the groove.
I recently finished Heart Berries by Terese Marie Mailhot. I understand why its getting so much praise but I
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Now I'm halfway through 'The Red Scrolls of Magic' by Cassandra Clare. It's a Shadowhunter novel featuring Magnus Bane & Alec Lightwood, and I love it! So much more engaging for me than the earlier stories that were from Clary's POV. Magnus and Alec are funny and adventurous, and much more my style than Clary & Jace ever were. I always liked Magnus best in the earlier books anyway! ;-)
Oh yeah I haven't actually read anything from that author but it sounds good.
I recently read an article in Book Riot about "locked door" mysteries which are totally my style, so now I have two of them at home waiting for me to read. In a Dark Dark Wood by Ruth Ware and The Hunting Party by Lucy Foley. This is getting a little out of hand, lol.
What makes a 'locked door' mystery? The term sounds interesting! Have fun reading your stories! I know what you mean - I have about 10 unread books on my shelves (plus about 60 unread on my Kindle app) and still I managed to order a couple more to read from my library yesterday! ;-) Crazy!
Apparently Liane Moriarty's Nine Perfect Strangers fits in that genre too.
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