I don't know about you guys but there are times when I go through reading frenzies, and then there are times where I barely read anything all year. Last year was a MAJOR dry spell for me. But now I'm finding myself back into the groove.
I recently finished Heart Berries by Terese Marie Mailhot. I understand why its getting so much praise but I personally didn't like the POV. The author addressing "You" all the time.
I'm currently reading The Immortalists by Chloe Benjamin. I'm about a third of the way through. I wonder if it's going to end up having a real supernatural twist (apart from the very obvious) or if it's just a drama in disguise. Although I would be OK with both. It's very engaging.
Apart from that, I'm reading a bunch of books on my "Literary Disco" to-reads list.(Books that they reviewed or talked about on the podcast that sounded good.) I currently have the following checked out:
Sabrina by Nick Drnaso
The Rape of Nanking by Iris Chang
There There by Tommy Orange
See it's not too many! One of those is a graphic novel.
Is anyone out in DW/LJ land reading anything good these days?
Originally posted
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