I only skimmed this because I'm only up to 2x04. Gotta save one ep for the week. :-)
You like Simon. You think he's hot. ;-) I don't find anyone on this show hot, which is interesting. I still think Simon is kinda creepy. I like him anyway. I actually like all of them very much which is saying something on a show. I don't have a favorite. I really like Kelly. But I root for all of them.
Nathan is annoying as hell. And sometimes I wish he'd STFU. But he's also a scared little boy sometimes and I really felt for him when his brother died. All that mouth but he's fearless and sometimes brave and mostly an ass but at least what you see is what you get. I get that.
I like Simon and Alisha in your vid. :-) Yes, I root for them there. There it was just about them and there was no future or past or anyone dying. It had a kind of pristine-ness to it. On the show, I really liked Alisha and Curtis. A man who could love her without touching her. Loved her for her, not her body or her looks. I still don't get: why did she fall for future!Simon? I don't get it. She barely knew him.
Time travel always baffles me too. I totally overthink it. I hope we get an Epitaph One-esque episode in the future! That would be awesome! With future!Simon, future!Alisha and future all of them. Yes, I always want more. Ruins the mystery and perfection of it, but I am so nosy I just can't help it. :-)
I am trying to figure out what spoilers for 2.05 I have up there and really there are none. Except that I liked Nathan in the ep, which isn't really much of a spoiler, lol. So if you do want to do more than skim the entry you're pretty safe from 2.05 spoilers.
Yes, Iwan is a cutie. I will admit. But so is Nathan (Curtis). (And Antonia's just beautiful.)
I am appreciating Nathan more and more and his goofball status. Certain things he does I find funny (calling Simon Barry all the time) and he does have his moments of seriousness and kindness. But other times he's just cringeworthy. Haha.
There are some creepy things that Simon has done that I can't really explain, haha. But mostly I think he's just misunderstood. Imagine Nathan with the power of invisibility. You know he would be doing more than watching someone he cares about sleep.
Kelly is really all heart. Despite all of her anger issues, she's definitely the sweetest of the bunch. It's hard not to like her a whole lot. I think she's a lot of people's favorite character.
I don't think you can ever underestimate the appeal of a superhero. I can't explain why she fell for him but part of it, for me, seems to be because, assuming that you believe future Simon, she senses the connection that they will have in the period of time to come. (Years? IDK.) He's jumping around being all superhero-y and saving her and her friends. He's gentle with her. And yes, he can touch her. All of these things combined make for an explosive combination in the chemistry department. Plus, he traveled through time for her. At least that's what he said, and in the end it appears he was telling the truth. That's a terribly romantic gesture. I'd fall for it! lol.
I think the thing between Curtis and Alisha was not really meant to last. From a storytelling point of view at least. They hadn't really advanced beyond sneaking away into closets. As sweet as he was. It's a shame they seemed to end that relationship in order to "make way" for Nikki and Future(and Current) Simon to come into play. But that's how it's come across unfortunately.
Time travel is pretty tricky to deal with. The only way what happened works is if something later happens, and "future" Simon figured out how to change it by altering their timeline slightly and so he went back to change a few key things. But then, if he does that then he would never have gone back in the first place so wouldn't it all just happen the same way again? This has all happened before. And it will all happen again? And yeah. I try not to think about it too hard! At least they didn't handle it as poorly as lost did, lol. And I say that realizing that their handling of it is probably not finished yet. But so far anyway!
Yes, I read the post again after my comment. No spoilers for 2x05! Yay. :-)
I'm so excited to be able to talk about Misfits to someone. It's a show that doesn't inspire me to produce anything, but does inspire me to discuss it!
I think Nathan is cringeworthy but then he doesn't cringe, you know? Kelly said in the last episode I watched, "You're not embarrassed by anything, are you?" And he's not. I kinda like that he's so out there with everything. He wasn't embarrassed at all at loving Simon. And he's kind of accepted the powers thing so readily. But there are times he needs to learn when to shut up, though.
I love Kelly. She's kind of a mama figure. But a mama who will cuss you out and kill a probation worker trying to kill you. A hit first, ask questions second kind of woman. I do love that she can punch a man out and it hurts too. And she can take a punch too, like from Video Game man.
As for Simon and Alisha. I get the romantic going back in time thing. But he came back for her for what? Just to make her fall in love with him and watch him die? I thought time travel would be used for something more . . . useful. Maybe it will be, maybe it will. I love superheroes. I loved Toby MacGuire's Spiderman who was geeky and smart but was brave too. I actually like Simon for who he is now. Weird and creepy and awkward. Why did Alisha fall for the muscles and rescuing? Present!Simon rescues them a lot. I want to believe that she first fell for that guy. Before he was a superhero. I feel like future!Simon interfered with that. Now she's falling for who Simon is going to be, not who he is right now. She'd have never noticed him before future!Simon or if she did once we haven't seen the genuine reasons why.
Maybe Curtis and Alisha weren't going to make it. Like maybe Nathan and Kelly aren't going to happen. I think it was done poorly. Bad Heart Girl came in and Curtis (who in his own way is as flighty with romances as Alisha) just went with that. I think their break up would have made more sense if it had happened after he tried to save Sam and ended up dating both of them. If things with Alisha weren't good that would have made sense. But it seemed he chose Alisha over Sam. So to reverse that again was confusing to me. I can't root too too much for Curtis/Alisha anyway since their romance began after she raped him. I find it hard to forgive her that. Like I find it hard to believe that somewhere in Simon and in future!Simon is the guy who nearly felt Kelly up when she was practically passed out drunk. That was not right and that was before the invisibility. But that voyeur/creepy part of Simon is still there. He's channeled it in the future to watching over people but it's still there.
I'm not sold on Alisha actually having much chemistry with any of them, honestly. I see that Future!Simon adores her and that is very sweet. I can see how that kind of adoration would be irresistible. But I want Alisha to become her own woman and not be defined as someone's girlfriend. She's better than that, you know? I hope that's what her power teaches her. She can survive on her own and without being part of a sexual partnership.
Time travel is tricky and I still think the original Terminator introduced the premise best. Confusing and a paradox but that's what it is. It is romantic and I'm all for soul mates and predestined love. But I think there are consequences too. I wonder how Present Simon will feel when he finds out (and he will) who she really fell for first. I would feel like some inferior copy if I found someone fell for a future and better version of me. Interesting too that he loses his virginity not with Alisha. I'm waiting for all of these stories to play out!
Um, I wrote this at work and am posting it now. I guess I've been thinking about this show A LOT. :-)
It is so funny that you mentioned the Terminator. I find the whole paradox of that to be infuriating. So he comes back to save the mother, of the leader of the rebellion against the machines, but while he's saving her, he also knocks her up, and their son, becomes the leader of the rebellion against the machines. If him coming back is what caused this person to come into being and if he hadn't gone back this person wouldn't have existed, then wouldn't this person just never have existed in the first place and he would have never come back in the first place because there would have been no one to save? Gah! It's just.. mind-boggling. It drives me bonkers.
And THIS. Is why I try not to think about all of this wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff. Mind-bender. For sure.
Eh you're right I kind of agree about Alisha learning to be independent. But we don't really know how long it will be until Simon and her, in the present context, actually start to develop. However, I do feel it is possible for someone, Alisha even, to be in a relationship and not be defined by it. I don't really feel like either Curtis or Alisha were defined by their relationship to each other. The fact that Alisha was monogamous with him until Future Simon showed up, either physically or emotionally, was apparently a big step for her. I have a feeling that even though she seemed to have slept with a lot of people in the past, that being someone's girlfriend was actually something very new to Alisha.
I think next to Simon, Kelly is the one who really has the strongest hold on her powers. Even though it hasn't been expressly said in the show, she seems to be able to hone in on people to try and suss out what it is they're thinking -- rather than being unwillingly bombarded by their thoughts.
And that's another way in which Alisha draws the short stick in the "superpowers" department. She can't exactly learn anything about her "power" because she has refrained from using it all times due to its uncontrollable nature. So she's really the one least prepare to use her power, if in fact it is something that can be channeled for "good" rather than just to make her the target or perpetrator of rape. (UGH -- this still pisses me off so much!)
The Terminator is so mind-boggling! After twenty years, I think we all just gave up on figuring it out. The only thing that really makes me all confuzzled is: what is the original timeline? Is there one where John's father didn't meet Sarah? But then how is John there? Only way I could figure it is that there is a timeline where John isn't there. And when John's parents have sex and he's created, he pops into being and starts it all. That's the best way I can figure it.
Ever see the Butterfly Effect with Ashton Kutcher? Also mind-bendy but I like it. :-)
I want to know Simon and Alisha's original timeline if that is possible? Maybe one day they will show it to us.
I think it's possible to be in a relationship and not be defined by it. But Alisha has been defined by her power and well, she was a sexual being from day one. What I mean is for her to not be defined as only a sexual being. And maybe her lesson is to learn who she is when she's not the party girl, you know? I really liked that recently she was the one that said they had to stop the Video Game Man from killing people. She was right. It was only a matter of time before he turned on them. She's young but I sense she can be so much more. And that she wants to be. Everyone keeps telling her how beautiful she is but I think she wants to be more than just that.
Simon and Kelly definitely have the best hold on their powers. Other than Alisha staying away from men and not being touched, I'm not sure how she can use it. The men end up attacking her. Even when she takes charge and uses/rapes them, it's still a pretty destructive power. But some of the powers are. Like Ice Girl who got burned up. Maybe one can learn control? Like on The X-Men? Maybe Alisha can learn to distract or allure men but just a little, not so they want to attack her. Maybe she can learn to control men through sex.
I'm not sure. Because hell, maybe she was controlling men through sex before, you know? And well, it's not a good thing to rape or control people. I want to believe that she's meant for something bigger and better and this power was given to her to steer her away from focusing on her sexuality so much. But that seems unfair and like a punishment. Nathan has no such limitations, you know? And that boy could use some boundaries.
I like the show and I feel like they are going somewhere with all of this. I hope so! I haven't been this excited about a new show in a while. :-)
Maybe that was Nathan's wish. To do whatever he wanted to do and not have to face any consequences. To be able to get away with anything. I think that as long as Nathan lives to MOCK another day he will consider that "getting away with it." That's the only way I can figure that his power in any way relates back to his character.
I know! Me too! I am excited about this and about Lost Girl.
You sort of reminded me of lost girl when suggesting what Alisha could do with her power. The lead character in that, Bo, is a succubus and that's exactly what she does with her power. Only it's far more controlled and useful. She literally sucks energy from people when using it, so all of those people Alisha slept with without being able to control herself would have ended up dead. NOT SO GOOD. It isn't just sex with Bo, it's touch, but with touch, she has to actively engage her power and it's completely voluntary. Like in the first episode she touches the waitress' hand and persuades her to give them a free lunch. That kind of thing.
The thing with Nathan is he has that power and he's not completely happy with it. He had sex with a beautiful woman with no strings. When he found out who she really was he went back. He didn't have to. What did he want to say to Ruth? I wonder. But he could have just left and didn't. He made himself responsible for his brother. He didn't have to. He lived and his brother didn't but he wasn't happy that he got away. In an alternative timeline when he lived and the others died he wasn't happy about that, either. I think that he's a lot of mouth because he's scared and lonely and young. He wants to just live. But he's about to see that living the way you want isn't so fun when people around you that you care about die or get hurt. Ruth died, Jamie died, and I think he's hoping his friends don't die too.
Oh noes! New show! You are intriguing me with another new show! I see this is part of your master plan! This is your power; to talk so intriguingly about awesome female characters that your entire friendslist can't help but watch. And then leave long comments to you talking about it all. :-)
You like Simon. You think he's hot. ;-) I don't find anyone on this show hot, which is interesting. I still think Simon is kinda creepy. I like him anyway. I actually like all of them very much which is saying something on a show. I don't have a favorite. I really like Kelly. But I root for all of them.
Nathan is annoying as hell. And sometimes I wish he'd STFU. But he's also a scared little boy sometimes and I really felt for him when his brother died. All that mouth but he's fearless and sometimes brave and mostly an ass but at least what you see is what you get. I get that.
I like Simon and Alisha in your vid. :-) Yes, I root for them there. There it was just about them and there was no future or past or anyone dying. It had a kind of pristine-ness to it. On the show, I really liked Alisha and Curtis. A man who could love her without touching her. Loved her for her, not her body or her looks. I still don't get: why did she fall for future!Simon? I don't get it. She barely knew him.
Time travel always baffles me too. I totally overthink it. I hope we get an Epitaph One-esque episode in the future! That would be awesome! With future!Simon, future!Alisha and future all of them. Yes, I always want more. Ruins the mystery and perfection of it, but I am so nosy I just can't help it. :-)
Yes, Iwan is a cutie. I will admit. But so is Nathan (Curtis). (And Antonia's just beautiful.)
I am appreciating Nathan more and more and his goofball status. Certain things he does I find funny (calling Simon Barry all the time) and he does have his moments of seriousness and kindness. But other times he's just cringeworthy. Haha.
There are some creepy things that Simon has done that I can't really explain, haha. But mostly I think he's just misunderstood. Imagine Nathan with the power of invisibility. You know he would be doing more than watching someone he cares about sleep.
Kelly is really all heart. Despite all of her anger issues, she's definitely the sweetest of the bunch. It's hard not to like her a whole lot. I think she's a lot of people's favorite character.
I don't think you can ever underestimate the appeal of a superhero. I can't explain why she fell for him but part of it, for me, seems to be because, assuming that you believe future Simon, she senses the connection that they will have in the period of time to come. (Years? IDK.) He's jumping around being all superhero-y and saving her and her friends. He's gentle with her. And yes, he can touch her. All of these things combined make for an explosive combination in the chemistry department. Plus, he traveled through time for her. At least that's what he said, and in the end it appears he was telling the truth. That's a terribly romantic gesture. I'd fall for it! lol.
I think the thing between Curtis and Alisha was not really meant to last. From a storytelling point of view at least. They hadn't really advanced beyond sneaking away into closets. As sweet as he was. It's a shame they seemed to end that relationship in order to "make way" for Nikki and Future(and Current) Simon to come into play. But that's how it's come across unfortunately.
Time travel is pretty tricky to deal with. The only way what happened works is if something later happens, and "future" Simon figured out how to change it by altering their timeline slightly and so he went back to change a few key things. But then, if he does that then he would never have gone back in the first place so wouldn't it all just happen the same way again? This has all happened before. And it will all happen again? And yeah. I try not to think about it too hard! At least they didn't handle it as poorly as lost did, lol. And I say that realizing that their handling of it is probably not finished yet. But so far anyway!
I'm so excited to be able to talk about Misfits to someone. It's a show that doesn't inspire me to produce anything, but does inspire me to discuss it!
I think Nathan is cringeworthy but then he doesn't cringe, you know? Kelly said in the last episode I watched, "You're not embarrassed by anything, are you?" And he's not. I kinda like that he's so out there with everything. He wasn't embarrassed at all at loving Simon. And he's kind of accepted the powers thing so readily. But there are times he needs to learn when to shut up, though.
I love Kelly. She's kind of a mama figure. But a mama who will cuss you out and kill a probation worker trying to kill you. A hit first, ask questions second kind of woman. I do love that she can punch a man out and it hurts too. And she can take a punch too, like from Video Game man.
As for Simon and Alisha. I get the romantic going back in time thing. But he came back for her for what? Just to make her fall in love with him and watch him die? I thought time travel would be used for something more . . . useful. Maybe it will be, maybe it will. I love superheroes. I loved Toby MacGuire's Spiderman who was geeky and smart but was brave too. I actually like Simon for who he is now. Weird and creepy and awkward. Why did Alisha fall for the muscles and rescuing? Present!Simon rescues them a lot. I want to believe that she first fell for that guy. Before he was a superhero. I feel like future!Simon interfered with that. Now she's falling for who Simon is going to be, not who he is right now. She'd have never noticed him before future!Simon or if she did once we haven't seen the genuine reasons why.
Maybe Curtis and Alisha weren't going to make it. Like maybe Nathan and Kelly aren't going to happen. I think it was done poorly. Bad Heart Girl came in and Curtis (who in his own way is as flighty with romances as Alisha) just went with that. I think their break up would have made more sense if it had happened after he tried to save Sam and ended up dating both of them. If things with Alisha weren't good that would have made sense. But it seemed he chose Alisha over Sam. So to reverse that again was confusing to me. I can't root too too much for Curtis/Alisha anyway since their romance began after she raped him. I find it hard to forgive her that. Like I find it hard to believe that somewhere in Simon and in future!Simon is the guy who nearly felt Kelly up when she was practically passed out drunk. That was not right and that was before the invisibility. But that voyeur/creepy part of Simon is still there. He's channeled it in the future to watching over people but it's still there.
I'm not sold on Alisha actually having much chemistry with any of them, honestly. I see that Future!Simon adores her and that is very sweet. I can see how that kind of adoration would be irresistible. But I want Alisha to become her own woman and not be defined as someone's girlfriend. She's better than that, you know? I hope that's what her power teaches her. She can survive on her own and without being part of a sexual partnership.
Time travel is tricky and I still think the original Terminator introduced the premise best. Confusing and a paradox but that's what it is. It is romantic and I'm all for soul mates and predestined love. But I think there are consequences too. I wonder how Present Simon will feel when he finds out (and he will) who she really fell for first. I would feel like some inferior copy if I found someone fell for a future and better version of me. Interesting too that he loses his virginity not with Alisha. I'm waiting for all of these stories to play out!
Um, I wrote this at work and am posting it now. I guess I've been thinking about this show A LOT. :-)
And THIS. Is why I try not to think about all of this wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff. Mind-bender. For sure.
Eh you're right I kind of agree about Alisha learning to be independent. But we don't really know how long it will be until Simon and her, in the present context, actually start to develop. However, I do feel it is possible for someone, Alisha even, to be in a relationship and not be defined by it. I don't really feel like either Curtis or Alisha were defined by their relationship to each other. The fact that Alisha was monogamous with him until Future Simon showed up, either physically or emotionally, was apparently a big step for her. I have a feeling that even though she seemed to have slept with a lot of people in the past, that being someone's girlfriend was actually something very new to Alisha.
I think next to Simon, Kelly is the one who really has the strongest hold on her powers. Even though it hasn't been expressly said in the show, she seems to be able to hone in on people to try and suss out what it is they're thinking -- rather than being unwillingly bombarded by their thoughts.
And that's another way in which Alisha draws the short stick in the "superpowers" department. She can't exactly learn anything about her "power" because she has refrained from using it all times due to its uncontrollable nature. So she's really the one least prepare to use her power, if in fact it is something that can be channeled for "good" rather than just to make her the target or perpetrator of rape. (UGH -- this still pisses me off so much!)
Ever see the Butterfly Effect with Ashton Kutcher? Also mind-bendy but I like it. :-)
I want to know Simon and Alisha's original timeline if that is possible? Maybe one day they will show it to us.
I think it's possible to be in a relationship and not be defined by it. But Alisha has been defined by her power and well, she was a sexual being from day one. What I mean is for her to not be defined as only a sexual being. And maybe her lesson is to learn who she is when she's not the party girl, you know? I really liked that recently she was the one that said they had to stop the Video Game Man from killing people. She was right. It was only a matter of time before he turned on them. She's young but I sense she can be so much more. And that she wants to be. Everyone keeps telling her how beautiful she is but I think she wants to be more than just that.
Simon and Kelly definitely have the best hold on their powers. Other than Alisha staying away from men and not being touched, I'm not sure how she can use it. The men end up attacking her. Even when she takes charge and uses/rapes them, it's still a pretty destructive power. But some of the powers are. Like Ice Girl who got burned up. Maybe one can learn control? Like on The X-Men? Maybe Alisha can learn to distract or allure men but just a little, not so they want to attack her. Maybe she can learn to control men through sex.
I'm not sure. Because hell, maybe she was controlling men through sex before, you know? And well, it's not a good thing to rape or control people. I want to believe that she's meant for something bigger and better and this power was given to her to steer her away from focusing on her sexuality so much. But that seems unfair and like a punishment. Nathan has no such limitations, you know? And that boy could use some boundaries.
I like the show and I feel like they are going somewhere with all of this. I hope so! I haven't been this excited about a new show in a while. :-)
I know! Me too! I am excited about this and about Lost Girl.
You sort of reminded me of lost girl when suggesting what Alisha could do with her power. The lead character in that, Bo, is a succubus and that's exactly what she does with her power. Only it's far more controlled and useful. She literally sucks energy from people when using it, so all of those people Alisha slept with without being able to control herself would have ended up dead. NOT SO GOOD. It isn't just sex with Bo, it's touch, but with touch, she has to actively engage her power and it's completely voluntary. Like in the first episode she touches the waitress' hand and persuades her to give them a free lunch. That kind of thing.
Oh noes! New show! You are intriguing me with another new show! I see this is part of your master plan! This is your power; to talk so intriguingly about awesome female characters that your entire friendslist can't help but watch. And then leave long comments to you talking about it all. :-)
Use the power for good, Crickets! Hee.
*looks up Lost Girl on Wikipedia*
And it links to another good recruiting post with picspam!:
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