Tongue Tied, Iwan Rheon I have too much to talk about. Two new shows I've been watching lately are Misfits and Lost Girl and I'm really loving both of them and I want to talk about them but I feel so weird talking about a show as a whole instead of episode reviews, but I will just have to try because I feel like I haven't been sharing things with you guys and that's unfair and uncool. *nods*
Okay, up until the epic arc of Superhoodie/Future!Simon and Alisha, I wouldn't have even called this show a proper drama. There are dramatic elements they touch on sure, but a huge chunk of it is dedicated to the absurd or the funny -- even when dealing in serious situations.
I guess it isn't surprising that a lot of the really dark stuff centers around Simon -- and it's no wonder that I felt deeply sorry for his character more than the others. The scene at the end of 1.03 where everyone rejects him (except Kelly, bless her) just broke my heart. Plus, I loved that song. I might contemplate making a Simon mix, and try not to put anything by Iwan Rheon on it, haha. (Doubt it would fit anyway.)
Also, he's a total geek, which I love:
thirtynotches on tumblr
I am really interested in watching his development. He's one of the only ones who seems to have near complete control over his powers. Whereas the others don't really seem to have any control over theirs at all -- with the exception of Nikki, who I like. She's important. Future Simon led them all to her for a reason. I am interested to know what it is.
Regarding the others I have to say that Nathan has been the last character I have warmed to. He actually wasn't so bad in the last episode which surprised me. Or maybe I'm just getting used to him. I joked with Dayl that Nathan is like some psychological experiment on the tv viewing audience. How dickish can a character be and have people still like him? Apparently a lot!
But the one thing I do like about it is that none of the other "ASBO five" take him seriously when he acts out and they call him out on his antics all the time, thoroughly unamused. An yet he barrels on, haha.
Both Curtis and Kelly are sweethearts -- despite her temper of course, and Alisha is a whole other can of worms.
The Simon/Alisha thing is so unexpected and yet somehow perfect. That story arc, no matter what happens from here on out, will always be flawless in my opinion. They kind of remind me of Tony/Priya in their untouchable perfection. Not a lot of romances are told in a way that makes you root for it entirely and not be at least annoyed or bored by it. So whatever may be in the future of this series, this particular set of episodes is completely faultless. And it's something powerful enough to get me back to vidding -- so it will always be special to me for that reason alone.
I think one of the things I like the show about the most is the visual style. Not only because it was good for vidding, which it was, but because it is totally my thing. I would not have, in a million years, expected this show to be shot in such a visually striking way, but it is. And worth checking out.
The "mythology" on the show has the distinction of not really having a reason or a precedence. The storm goes unexplained, the powers that they have are completely new to them and uncontrollable and some of them quite odd. (Turning, mentally, into your childhood pooch at night? That's odd!) And I kind of like that. It's definitely a new way to deal with these kinds of elements. I am waiting for them to meet someone who has powers who has had them for a long time. That might be cool. But I don't really see them going that route. Which would be okay.
Anyway, go download
Iwan's EP from Amazon. I did. :)
ETA, cause I can:
No idea who made this unfortunately.
...Lost Girl later!