001. So I don't understand Tumblr. I admit it. I have no idea what the point is or what it's for. Is it just like a blog? Even if someone were to explain it to me, I can't promise I wouldn't continue to be confused.
002. I still haven't found any books in present tense. You Shall Know Our Velocity turned out to be just plain old past tense. Though, I'm still thinking of reading it. I also got this book Rendezvous in Black which looks like it might be a fun read.
003. I was working on this Dollhouse video about two months ago and just gave up. I don't know if I'll ever finish it or any other vid, ever again. It's sad. But possibly true.
004. Regarding Dollhouse. I'm slightly disappointed in the season thus far. I keep waiting for this to turn into a full-on ensemble and it's still just the Echo show. And call me crazy, but the Echo show mostly bores me. (As does the Paul show.) I almost think I wish TSCC would have been renewed instead. It always seemed like a toss-up, but not right now.
005. I really really like Eastwick. Well, maybe I just like Stars Hollow. Haha. Either way, I'm having fun watching this show.
006. I may have signed up for
apocabigbang which is just the most hilarious thing ever. I haven't picked a fandom yet, and it's possible I'll chicken out at the last second. But yeah, it's a thought.
007. Stargate Universe. I don't hate it. I am curious to see more. I enjoyed the first three episodes. I like a lot of the characters. I'm just confused and intrigued enough to make this a regular thing.
008. I don't know if I've even talked about it on my LJ before but I was watching The Big Bang Theory at the end of last season. I think I've officially decided that I am going to give it up this season though. I'm just not laughing. Never was much of a sitcom person. Though Community and Modern Family are definitely making me laugh a lot this season.
009. I watch too much TV.
010. I know I promised/discussed a "life" post, but this is just as good right?