May 26, 2004 17:57
Signed the application for my very own studio this morning. The building is gorgeous, and my mom really approved. We have our own courtyard, and my apt. faces it. All I hafta do now is bring the deposit check tomorrow and it's as good as done.
PLUS, the apt. I'm moving into is getting new carpet (only a few of the apts have that), plus the usual new paint...and they're gonna put in a celiing fan too, so that's gonna rock. YAAAAAY. so excited. NO more roommates (until that fateful day when....yeah....I don't wanna talk about it. lol)!!!!
Oh and on a funny note:
My crazy professor in forensic science today was talking about probability rates for DNA testing. Well, you multiply your different allele numbers to get your PP. The best quote ever-
"So if OJ Simpson's match was 1 in 9 billion, his PP was VERY VERY small" (Read it out loud if ya don't get it)
She turned bright red when she realized what she had said and laughed so hard I thought she was gonna keel over. everyone in the class was laughing their asses off for a good amount of time. We are sooooo immature.