Everyone Loves Holiday Photos, Amirite?

Dec 05, 2010 21:12

Las Vegas

The Strip - which is a fitting name for it in more ways than one.

Our hotel - a big black glass pyramid.

The inside - a terrifying beehive construction with a 50 foot American Flag suspended from the ceiling.

Alcohol will numb the crawling discomfort (the Mojitos were made like slushies and were pretty damn nice).

Here's the view from our hotel room at sunset.

We didn't let it go to our heads. At all.

Death Valley

Badwater Salt Flats. Very flat, and open, and hot.

I want a quantum of solace, but only just a quantum. I know they sell big bags of solace, but I don't want 'em.

When she turned round, looked down and said 'I think I'm stuck', I was almost painfully unsurprised.

'Artist's Pallete', lots of blue, green, purple, red and orange rocks. It's sunset here so they all look orange, but trust me.

Rhyolite Ghost Town

The official lietrature says that the town went bust in 1912 but unless they were frighteningly advanced/from the future, there were clearly people living here up until recently.

Observe the electric sockets in the wall.

The awkward leg-lift of not wanting to be photographed.


Mesquite Salt Flats

Here is Laura standing a long way away because she is pissed off with me for making her walk all the way out there. (She's still pretty pissed about it now).

Sequoia National Park

There is only one photo of Sequoia National Park, taken from a moving car, so you're just going to have to take my word fro it that it was the most beautiful place in the world. I am going to retire here. Make a note.

Yosemite National Park

Photographic proof that I climbed to the top of that damn waterfall. Only one of the backpacks I carried up there is pictured.

The fuck is this.

The correct level of enthusiasm.

San Francisco

Respect the enormous rainbow flag.

Castro is almost utterly devoid of lesbians. White gay men have pretty much cornered the market here.

Castro Camera - now a tribute to Harvey Milk - the mural is of him, with the words 'You gotta give 'em hope'.

This was in the Beat Museum. Lots of exciting literature history! Neeeeeeerds.

This is where a lot of important stuff was read out for the first time, like Allen Ginsberg's 'Howl'.

I picked up a book in here, by Michael Chabon, on writing. the first chapter is about Sherlock Holmes fanfic. I bought this book.

Well this is all well and good but where are the pictures of people's laundry? Wait no longer.


Haight Ashbury.

I like to keep to the four main food groups: candy, candy cane, candy corn, and syrup.

That is how to do Christmas in California.


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