- Decided that room was too dark to work in, so open the curtains
- Decided that room was too cold with the curtains open, so moved all the furniture out of the way of the radiator to let more heat into the room
- Decided I was still too cold, so shuffled makeshift desk closer to the radiator
- In moving all furniture, uncovered insect graveyard and dust bunnies the size of my fist
- Hoovered these up
- Hoovered rest of room
- Had quick tidy, to create ordered and zen workplace. For absolutely no reason, turned fairy lights on
- Had sip of tea to celebrate - discovered that tea was cold
- Made more tea
- Decided it was probably time for a tea break anyway
- Ate banana; stared at snow for about ten minutes
- Came back to makeshift desk, answered emails, made list of things to do once back in office
- Opened relevant window in advent calendar
- Checked weather report
- Checked Guardian.co.uk/news
- Checked Guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle
- Checked Twitter
- Checked LJ
I haven't really got the hang of this whole 'work at home' business.