Feb 22, 2005 22:47
I love my classes so far: NZ Biodiversity is going to be great; I like that they're presenting it in a mostly chronological, evolutionary manner. Geoarchaeology seems fun -- relaxed profs, multi-disciplinary approach, small class (less than 20, I think), cool assignments like debates and papers etc. Structural Geo seems really hard, but I think I'll learn a lot. I'm nervous about the lab, because I've never done anything like it before, and because when I started chatting with the girl I happened to sit next to in class, I said "I hope this isn't too hard" and she said "It is, I failed it last year." Yikes! I have to get at least a B for my credit to transfer ... so I'm going to have to work really hard at it. Doesn't look like I'll be bored, anyway. Geo Field Lab doesn't start for another couple weeks, but I've heard that it's awesome, lots of fun (from the same girl who didn't do so hot in structure).
Have been bonding with flatmates and friends, watched 3rd Lord of the Rings movie (exteeeeended version, which I hadn't seen before) last night with Colin and Mark and Will. Mark kept pointing at scenes in the movie, saying "I hiked that mountain" or "I've been there!" I can't wait to go on spring break ... so much country to see! I get really into movies, and was pretty squirmy and wiggly during the painful parts (anything involving suspense or stress or any time I knew something awful that the characters didn't ...). Played guitar with Mark a bit (Breakfast at Tiffany's) and played Egyptian Ratscrew tonight as well. I get pretty competitive ("you're a pretty animated card player ..." he said) but he still beat me every time. So fun and so frustrating at the same time! Just wait til tomorrow, he won't know what hit him ;)
Anyway, this entry sounds pretty happy, because I am happy right now, but the past few days have been a roller-coaster ride of emotions ... at odd moments I'll miss David so much I actually feel sick, and then it'll go away once I start doing something else. Just keep busy, that's the plan. As long as I'm moving, I'm fine. Once I stop and sit by myself, it's not so good. I really really want to start rowing again, but I won't be able to until the activities fair next week. And I won't be able to even then if my dumb shoulder doesn't shape up ... it's been acting weird since the Auckland airport, when I was helping people with their bags. If I seriously injured it, I'll be so pissed off. Hopefully I'll find out at my appointment on Thursday what's wrong ...
And now for some sleep, lots to get done tomorrow, including senior project research and proposal writing and maybe even research grant writing ... whoa boy.