class tomorrow!

Feb 20, 2005 23:22

Can't wait for tomorrow, first day of classes! I've got geoarcheology and nz biodiversity in the morning, and structural geo the next day. It's weird to be only taking four classes, actually more like three, because my field course doesn't start for a couple weeks. Honestly, I don't think I really mind; there's so much to do here! Hopefully I'll be able to strike a good balance between work and play. Today was all play ... I went to the grocery store, which was great (I love buying food) and then I went to an Ilam Village bbq all afternoon. I played my first game of ultimate frisbee ever, and learned how to "flick" it, or throw a forehand pass. Pretty sweet. And every day it seems I meet new people, americans, kiwis, canadians, germans, french guys, chinese ... it goes on. The asians actually tend to keep to themselves, which is a bit odd.

I do miss home. Well, actually mostly I miss school. I never got homesick at school, but I have a feeling I'll get school-sick while I'm here. But it's worth it, it's worth it, it's worth it ... no whining. I'm going to be as happy as possible, why bother moping about things I can't change? I have a feeling that after it's all done, I wouldn't trade this semester for anything. I've found a great group of people to hang out with, will write more about them later.

And now to get some sleep for tomorrow!

P.S. My kiwi flatmate has a guitar! Halleluja! AND he said I could use it any time I wanted, after I strung and tuned it for him the other day :) Oh, it's going to be a productive semester ...
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